Page 254 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 254

Enerny positions in Lai Chu, just outside the northwest-
      ern walls of the citadel ,  were pounded continuously  by friendly artille-
      ry and jet fighters'  This area was believed  to be the enernyrs central
      cornrnand headquarters.  Fighting inside theCitadel was very sporadic'

                        Refugees took advantage of the irnproved sltuation and
      strearned frorn various points toward  saJer areas' such as Tay Loc,
      Tay Linh and Mang Ca' These areas becarne rnajor refugee centers'
      Public adrninistration on both sides of the river  of the city was tho-
      roughly disrupted. There were a sevete shortage of officials'  Many
      officials were rnurdered or abducted,  others died accidentally in the
      fighting, stil1 others sirnply fled'
                        On Feb. 13 or the f i-fteenth day of the fir st lunar rnonth,
      for the first  tirne in fifteen days, the rnonsoonal drizzle stopped'

                        The sky was sti1l lightly clouded  but there w?s sor:ne sun-
       shine  in the city,  Wave aJter wave of jet bornbers flew in and gave
      close air  support to the foot soldiers fighting in  the Citadel'
                        Fair  weather lasted about three days favoring the air-
      liJt of the rnain force of the Vietnarnese  Marine Battle Group A frorn
      Saigon to relieve the badly exhausted  Vietnarnese airborne' The Mari-
      nes landed at Phu Bai airfield.  Frorn here they rnoved to the pier
      which is on the right bank of the Perfurne River, then they used land-
      ing craft to move over to Bao Vinh quay' Two of the Battle Group's
      three battalions rnoved safety into theCitadel on Feb'  12'

                         Battle Group A was cornrnanded  by Maj. Hoang Thong'
       assisted by Maj,  Luong.
                         The Battle Groupr s Fir st Battalion, under the cornrnand
       of Maj. Phan Van Thang, and Fifth Battalion, under the cornrnand of
       Maj.  Pharn Var' Nha, sLrted the Grouprs Cperation Song Than 739/68
      within the walls of the  c entury- o1d C itadel  It rnay be worthy of note
       that just before initiating their fighti'ng in Hue this battle Group had
       scored  a rnajor victory in Cai Lay and Go Vap during the enernyrs
       Tet of{ensive. These districts were sorne 40 rnile s  south and three
       rniles north of Saigon, respectively.
                         The second stage of the operation  to liberate the
      Citadel was conducted  in six  operational areas A, B, C'  D, E and F
       (see chart o{ oPeratlon, stage II).
                         Area A was the northeastern  corner of the Citadel

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