Page 264 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 264

The rnain enerny pocket of resistance  continued to be
      the one entrenched  inside the old lrnperial Palace. The enerny uSed
      the few tanks he had captured at the initial  stage o{ the battle to rein-

      {orce his defensive  positions  around the palace'
                        Part ofthe enerny force maneuvered close to the Dong
      Ba - Gia Hoi intersection  and positioned  rnortars to seal off the river
               routes of the fri'endly fottt"'  This new enerny lnove forced
      the allied cornrnanders to shel1 his positions  and to ternporarily  heli-
      lift  rnost of the badly needed  supplies  and equiprnent' Fires broke out
      in the Dong Ba and Gia Hoi        "tttio"s   with colurnns  of srnoke billowing
      into the skies of Hue and visible frorn rniles away'
                        The Vietnarnese  Marine Battle Group engaged  a fairly
      big enerny force around  noon Feb 16 while pressing toward  the west-
      ern end of the Citadel. Thirty one enerny bodies were counted'  Six
      weapons  and sorne explosives  were seized'  The Marines only suffered

       light c a sualtie s.
                         The adverse weather conditions on Feb l8 rnade friend-
       ly  rnilitary  oPerations very di{ficult by slowing  down the advance-of
       friendly troops and harnpering  the heliliJt of supplies'  One friendly,

       convoy frr:rn Phu Bai cirne       ';''dt"  """t"y   rnortar fire'  Though no subs-
       tantial  Progress    was rnade during the day between  30 and 35 enerny
       were ki11ed in scattered engagernents'  Bad weather' low cloud ceilings

       i;;;    i;;  m"t..")  a,'d pooi visibilitv  becar,rse. of fog' rnade all air
       c ornbat support  irtpossible'  Shortly aJter dark solne enerny movernents
       were spott;  on the rnid river  islet'  The purpose  of the rnovernents

       was unknown.
                         Around 0430 h'  ,  Feb 19' two enerny battalions  laun-
       ched an assault on the first  Marine Battalion  i'n the southwestern

        sorne 300 rounds  of SZrnrn rnortar and B'40 rockets' Vietnarnese
       Marine t05rnrn howitzer positions {rorn the Mang Ca area responded sorne Z, 000 rounds.
                          Nearly three weeks had passed since the fierce counter-
        offensive of  the friendly forces had begun. The enemy began to give
        indications ofhis withdrawal  plan' Ranking enemy officers and political
        leaders  vanished frorn the irnperial palace area, rnostly under cover
        of d.arkness. It was thought they  slipped  out through Tran Hung Dao
        street and the Gia ffoi biicige, The enernyrs brief lnaneuver spotted
        on the islet the night before was apparently a diversionary  rnove             '

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