Page 282 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 282

Lan were scribbled on the wall of the Irnperial City's Ngo Mon gate
      and could be seen in the wake o{ the Hue battle. This proved that
      several elernents of the Lan regirnent had participated in the Citadel
      battle under the banner of the 9th Regirnent.
                        Twenty  days before the actual of{ensive  the enerny rnade
      preparation  for the Hue olfensive.  The plan of his offensive  was as

      follows :
                         The 5th Regirnent, which included  Battalions  K4A and
      K4B, and the 21st sapper Battalion supported  by the city-based  agents'
       attacked the city frorn the south' The sappers in-filtrated  the city on
       the night of Jan 28 two days before Tet.
                         The 6th Regt inctuded Battalions  KI,  KZ and K5' the
       lzth sapper Battalion and four support  cornpanies'  The four support
       cornpa;ies were C15, CI6, C\7, and C18, rei'nforced by the guerrilla
       . orrrp"ny  DKB plus local guerrilla  elernents frorn Huong Tra and
       Phong Dien districts  and two saPPer grouPs consisting  of 40 rnen' This
       reinforced 6th Regirnent had the rnission to rnount the offensive frorn
       the north, Its objectives were the lst ARVN InJantry  Division Corn-
       rnand headquarters in the Greater Mang Ca area, the Tay Loc airfield

       and the knperial  Palac e .
                         The offensive  plan of this Regirnent had been outlined

       as follows :
       - General objective  : the Gtadel as a whole'
       - Key targets and firing  priority  : the Mang Ca area and the airfield.
       -  The storrning points : the Chanh Tay gate, the An Hoa gate, the
       northern  section  of the Gtadel and the Mang Ca area'
       -  Next target : Huong Tra district  town'
       -  The artillery  targets : The ARVN artillery  and arrnor positions in
       Tu Ha.
       -  Tactics : advance as close to the Citadel as possible; in case
       detected assault  using all available fire  power'
       - lnfiltration rnethods : cross the  river  to join at Cay Da Tru (or
       Tru banyan),  use the banyants Pendant           roots to clirnb up the Citadel
       wall and enter the Citadel;  sirnultaneously  use the underground drai-
       nage ducts to enter the Citadel disregard the fighting outside'

                          The enernyts advance scherne  was carried out as
                          The 5th Regirnent  crossed ihe river  at the two ferry

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