Page 287 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 287

the Trieu Son Tay harnlet on rnakeshi{t  nylon rafts consisting of a l. 6
       rneter  square of plastic. Each group had two or three larger nylon
       rafts to carry its weapons across the river,

                         A{ter crossing  the river  three of these groups sneaked
       along the Citadel wall to attack the First  lnJantry Division headquar-
       ters in the Mang Ca area while the f ourth attacked the An Hoa gate's
       watchtower, The latter group succeeded in blasting the watchtower,
       the nearby bunker on top of the Citadel, and storrned the gate. The
       other groups irnrnediately  followed the fourth group and consolidated
       for  the attack on the 1st Infantry  Division C ornrnand  c ornpound in
       Mang Ca, but were pinned down there by the compound defenders.  The
       f ollowing rnorning when friendly APC-backed  r:elief forces carne, the
       enerny withdrew  into adjoining  houses and divided thernselves  into
       two wings -  one fighting the relief force and the other defending  their
       retreat route through  the west gate.

                         From the west side of the Citadel they launched  an
       assault on the Tay Loc airfield,  the Irnperial  Palace and the Citadel
       itself, with  three battalions,  including a sapper battalion (minus one
       company) and two infantry  battalions  (short one cornpany). They con-
       ducted the assault frorn rnany directions with cornpany  sized or larger
       units which  :

       Attacked the An Hoa bridge and the Chanh Tay gate.
       In-filtrated  the Citadel through the drainage  duct systern,
       Attacked the Tay Loc airfield frorn the west side o{ the church,
       Reached Cuong De Street through  drainage  ducts.
       Cccupied the western wall of the Citadel.
       Moved on the Irnperial Palace.
       Attacked up Yet Kieu Street to seize the tall flagpole.
       Occupied the southwestern area of the Citadel and the Dong Ba rnarket
       place (this group detailed one platoon to seize the Chieu Hoi building,
       the Court of Appeals building and the In-forrnation service building.
       Attacked the Regional Force cornpany guarding  the Bach Ho bridge.
       Seized civilian sarnpans and junks to rnove to the Bai Dau area to block
       governrnent  relief force s.
       Attacked  with a battalion sized force to seize An Hoa vi1lage.

                         The regirnental  cornrnander of the 6th enerny Regt led
       the rnain effort hirnself . As stated previously,  a1I the above rnentioned
       objectives,  except for the Tay Loc airfield and the ordnanc€ area,
       easily fell  into enerny hands. The enerny relied or. the strength of the

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