Page 290 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 290

-  Poor intelligence concerning  the situation in An Hoa village, where
      one battalion  was unnecessarily  cornrnitted  to assaulting a friendly
      airborne battalion which had rnoved out previously.
      -  Lack of effective coordination during the Mang Ca assault'

      -  Several elernents got lost and failed to reach the assigned objectives'
      This caused the assaults  to be uncoordinated  (The Tay Loc airfield,
      which should have been attacked before the logistics area was not
      attacked until  late r  ).

       - Only rnake shift defeneive tactics were used rather than offensive
      actions; of the recorded 416 actions,  254 were defensive in  nature'

       -  Morale and discipline left rnuch to be desired; at first  the troops
      were disciplined but later got out of line, piUering and looting peoplers
      property,  For exarnple Thanh, a guerrilla,  Iooted a trunkfilled  with
      gold and watches. Luy robbed two urnbrellas in the narne of liberatlon.

       -  The 3rd Cornpany without autorization stole and butchered  a pig  and
       one trooper stole 20 sheaves of wool yarn as a gift to solne wornen'

                         The following  factors worked in the enernies favor  :

       -  His use of the people as a shield.
       -  The protection of the Citadel walls for his defgnse  and from which
       to launch attacks.
       -  The support o{ a nurnber  of city people to forrn the Peoplers Alliance
       for Dernocracy  and Peace and other subsidiary  organizations'  Though
       these organizations brought together only a srnall fraction of the
       cityrs population,  their conception and subsequent activities greatly
       demoralized  the people. They were a contributing  factor in the vast
       destruction of the city and because of previous political and personal
       feud.s, the lnassacre  of thousands of people'
                         The enerny held the Citadel for  26 days due to the cold
       rainy weather and the poor visibility  over the city (at times the cloud
       ceiling was only 150 meters).
                         The following rnajor shortcornings  and mistakes were

       c ornrnitted  by the friendlY side :
       -  The invalid assessment of the enerny capability to conduct a ground
       assault on lIue. Consequently the US lst Aircav Division, which had

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