Page 294 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 294

(luang      Tri

                         The C.crnrnuni stsr surprise assault on Quang Tri  city
       in early April  1957 served to heighten the Quang Tri  city peoplers
       vigilance toward further enerny shelling or ground assaults. It
       encouraged thern to contribute  positively to the defense of the city.
       But the enerny rnilitary  Pressures        on the town lasted frorn then till
       the end of 1967, A {requent rerninder of enerny pressures             'ras  served
       by the big battles in the Khe Sanh area and the aknost nightly B52
       airstrikes,  which shook this ernbattled town. Each and every farnily
       in the town had a bunker of  its own as each and everyone  anticipated
       that yet another enerny assault on the town rnight happen anytirne
       anyday, Tension was ornnipresent  throughout the town. Reports o{
       daily enerny rninings and arnbushe s on the highways to Dong Ha in the
       north and to Hue in the south brought the widening specter of another
       enerny ground offensive on the town even closer in everyoners anti-
       c ipation.

                         By personal experience  rather than by educated rea-
       soning, the entire town people resented  C ornrnunisrn'  They sirnply
       evacuated any place which C ornrnuni st troops occupied. This popular
       rnentality accounted handsornely  for rnany rnajor victories scored by
       the lst  Regirnent, lst In{antry  Division,  which had been bearing the
       brunt of the Quang Tri  war for  nearly a decade.  Headquartered  at
       La Vang, the regirnent was rernernbered for having inflicted on the
       enerny the rnost serious casualties for  a single battle in the war  a
       few hours a{ter the 1967 Christrnas truce -  ZZL enerny killed were
       on the My Thuy beach in Hai Lang district  on Decernber Z9' L967.

                          This is  how the Quang Tri  offensive developed :
                          Cn the Zgth day of the lZth lunar rnonth (Jan 28' 1968)
        the Quang Tri  province chief, Lt CoI Nguyen Arn, a one-tirne Corn-
       rnander of the First  Infantry  Regirnent, reported  increasingly heavy
        pressure  {rorn the enerny in the Khe Sanh valley area. This resulted
       frorn the infiltration  of 3Z5th NVA Division frorn the North.  The
        enesly was engaged  and fighting raged throughout the day. The Yiet-
        narnese infantryrnen, though given artillery  and air  support, had  to
        pull back to Xorn Charn,  some two rniles away, and to cornbine their
        operation with US Marine units stationed in the area. The pullout
        followed the rnass exodus of sorne 1.,500 civilians,  who were later
       transferred to Quang Tri  citY.

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