Page 297 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 297

On the sarne second day of Tet,  Jan 31, gunfire was
      heard frorn Tri  Buu frorn dawn to dusk. Frorn this predorninently
      Catholic village the enerny trained his rnachineguns  on the city and
      fired aknost continuously at the MACV cornpound, the helicopter
      Ianding pad, the Inforrnation  Service and the RD office. He had over-
      run this village with two cornpanies of the assault force.
                        In the afternoon, the l"ocal Vietnarnese  and Arnerican
      forces cancelled a planned counter-attack  to recapture the village
      because too rnany civilians were still  traPPed there and could not
      readily leave, This was ascertained  by the aerial reconnai.ssance
      frorn US planes of Ai Tu harnlet.  These planes had rnet heavy enerny
      ground fire  frorn rnachineguns  positioned on top of the vilLagers church.

                        Throughout  the night of Jan 3I fighting broke out alrnost
      everywhere in the city.  The weather was so bad that  no flare  supPort
      could be provided Ior the cityrs defenders.  Only a few rnorlar-pro-
      pelled flares were fired.  Nevertheless the enerny still failed to pene-
      trate any rnilitary  in stallation
                        On the following n,.,rning, Feb lst,  the enerny herded
      a nurnber  of wornen and children into a protest rnarch toward the city,
      but the reluctant crowds were dispersed easily'  The ground operation
      conducted  by friendly troops with air  support  against the enerny force
      in Tri  Buu village lasted throughout rnost o{ the day and ended in the
      enerny withdrawing frorn Tri  Buu. The war thus Looked to be nearing
      an end for  Quang Tri  as the city was returning to norrnal.

                        While Tri  Buu the enerny rounded  up a
      nurnber of able bodied rnale villagers,  civil  servants and soLdiers on
      Tet horne leave but allowed wornen and children to evacuate  the village.
      Then they tied all these rnale villagers  to their gun positions' A good
      nurnber of these defenseless people  were killed and wounded during
      the friendly airstrikes  against enerny positions,  along with  sorne
      100 enerny counted killed,  The village was left in a sharnble  s because
      of the battle. 80 per cent of the villagers hornes were darnaged or
      destroyed, while its church  was aknost a cornPlete  loss.
                        On the night of Tet Day, Jan 30, the enerny shelled the
      lst Infantry  Regirnentrs headquarters  cornpound and inflicted light
      darnage to it.  The populated areas of the city were only lightly darnaged.
                        During the following days governrnent troops conducted
      continuous  sweep operations in town which resulted in eight colnrnu-
      nist captured. Seven of thern were captured  at the rnain bus station
      and were about 20 years old and natives of Thanh Hoa and Nghe An,

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