Page 300 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 300

D     Nang

                         A usually cornrnon irnpression  of the first  tirne visitors
       about Da Nang city was that this was a place where people heard and
       talked pretty much about the war, but did not have to suffer too rnuch
       {rorn rt.
                         Two rnajor enerny assaults on Da Nang during the 1968
       Tet offensive took place just outside Da Nang, not in Da Nang proper.
       The city was divided into three precincts or districts  -  Precinct I,
       Precinct II and Precinct III.  Its defense perirneter arched frorn the
       foot of the Hai Van pass, past the cityts two airbases,  down to Narn
       O and Hoa Cuong villages.  Cnly people residing along this arching
       perirneter bore the brunt of enerny assaults.
                         The first  assault all started  on the evening of Tetrs
       Eve with the shelling  of the Tra Kieu refugee carnp, the Non Nuoc or
       Marble Mountain airbase. The enerny  f ollowed it up with a ground
       assault supported by 5?mrn recoilless  cannons on the headquarters
       cornpound of the lst Arroy Corps C ornrnand.
                         An estirnated  enelny c olnpany crossed the river from
       Hoa Cuong village and rnoved up to the cornpound'  About a dozen
       enerny troops clirr:bed up the cornpoundrs wa1l and entered the cornpoun(
       itself.  Nc sooner had they reached the flagpole than the defenders
       opened fire  cutting their retreating  loute as well as preventing further
       enerny infittrators,  The four arrnored vehicles  guarding  the place also
       maneuvered to encircle the trapped enerny while a r€con squad
       engaged hirn inside the sprawling courtyard. Shortly before daybreak,
       the enerny rnanaged  to pull out with their yet unknown casualties'
       leaving  the defenders caring for their casualties - three killed,  seven
       wounded and two arrnored vehicles  darnaged lightly.  An AK 47 auto-
       rnatic rifle  was the only booty taken frorn the enerny.
                         The battle went by unnoticed by rnost of the city people,
       as the sounds of gunfire were drowned out by those of Tet firecrackers
       in ev€r ry ne ighborhood.
                         As dawn broke over the city,  a relief force was pulled
       together to conduct a sweep of the adjoining areas' It included the
       zlst Ranger Battalion t}'e 3/51 Battalion  and the 59th RF Battalion
       with four rnachineguns  rnounted light trucks. The sweep resulted  in

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