Page 303 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 303

Quang Tin

                         The eneny unleashed his  of{ensive  on Tarn Ky city,
       provincial  capital  of Quang Tin,  around 0400h.on  the second  day of
       Tet or Jan 3).. He began the attack by firing  rnortars,  recoilless  can-
       nons and rockets  at all  rnajor  adrninistrative  and rnilitary  services
       and headquarters in the city. Thenhe f ollowed it  up with  sirnultaneous
       ground assaults on the provinciai  adrninistrative  office,  the sector
       c ornrnand headquarters,  the 6th Regirnent  C ornrnand  headquarters,
       the ZZnd Artitlery  Battalion  cornrnand headquarters  and the No 6 rail-
       road level  cros sing,

                         Major  enerny assaults were on the 6th Regiment corn-
       rnand and 2Znd Artillery  Battalion  cornpounds. After  four  hurnan wave
       assaults,  the enemy broke through tw'o of the cornpounds defense
       lines,  but was thrown back by the battalionrs cannons firing  straight  at
       hirn.  Around daybreak elernents of the 6th Regiment launcheci  a two
       pronged counterattack which send the enerny fleeing  in disorder.  A
       group of 38 enerny raised their  hands and surrendered to the regirnerltal
       troops.  This was the largest  single group of enerny soldiers  to have
       ever  surrendered in the IZth Tactical  Area.  Most of these captives
       were natives of north Vietnaln  and NVA soldiers.

                         The province adrninistrative  office  and sector cornmand
       headquarters were attacked  frorn  two sides,  east and north,  On the
       north     side,  the enerny was checked  and then pinneC down by heavy
       fire  power frorn  the defenders.  The enerny force  which storrned from
       the eastern side,  succeeCed in breaking through the ouieirnost
       defense  line,  but that was about all.  Shortly before daybreak,  arrned
       helicopters  and arrnored vehicles  carne and forced  ttre enerny to with-
       draw and leave behind hundreds of bodies and 3I wounded  who were
       c aptur  e d.
                         Sweep operations  against enerny rernnants were con-
       ducted throughout the second ciay of Tet,  By nightfall,  the  city  was
       c alrrr again and alrnost back to norrnal.

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