Page 305 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 305


                                      A.. GENERAL

                         Konturn province has rnany tirnes been the scene of big
       battles. Even during the First  Indochina War, this particular part
       of the highland witnessed sorne of the rnost vicious rrar  actions  that
       resulted in the fall  of Konturn City to Cornrnunist control a little  before
       the end of the first  Vietnarn  conflict.
                         A little  before the signing  of the Geneva  agreernents
       on Vietnarn  in July 1954, three rnobile groups under the cornrnand of
       Col.onel  Nguyen Khanh (GM 1l), Sockell (cM 41) and Jaud (cM 42) were
       destroyed in this part of the country.  A better understanding  of the
       situation would be arrived at iJ one knows that these rnobile groups
       were elite units with glorious achievernents in the past.
                         A fourth rnobile group, GM 100, which carne here frorn
       Korea also wa6 to be cornpletely destroyed  during its retreat frorn
       An Khe to Pleiku. lts destruction  took place along the Mang Yang pass,
       which was to rernain farnous ever since.

                         Following the withdrawal of t}e French Arrny frorn
       Indochina, this very irnportant  region carne under control of the First
       Vietnarnese Infantry  Division. It was thought at the tirne that at
       least a division-sized force was needed to keep this part of the coun-
       try  secure  and help with its econornic developrnent.
                         Many years later,  in 1960, C ornrnunist troops again
       tried to rnake their presence felt in this area. It wa6 to take the forrn
       of a big battle at Dak Rota, that rocked  the nation when it took place.
       At the tirne, only a battalion was destroyed  but the Second Indochina
       War had barely started and the developrnent  was viewed in Saigon aa
       indicating a rnost terrible  trend,

                         Three years later,  another battle took place at the
       'listrict  of Tournorong resulting in heavy darnages to Battalion  1/40
       and the death o{ the district  chief,

                         Following the arrival  of US troops in Vietnarn, the war
       grew rnore intense with such battles as those fought at Con Tien, Loc
       Ninh, Phuoc Qua. Konturn again was to aerve as the scene of a rnost
       irnportant  battle in Novernber 1967. It  thia encounter which took place

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