Page 306 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 306

in the district  of Dakto, each side threw in an  estirnated  15 battalions
      and the battle raged lor  over three weeks before it died down'

                        Following this,  however,  the C ornrnuni st6 withdreqr to
      the border areas  where they are kno$/n to rnaintain at least eight
      regiments of troops used to secure their infiltration routes' The
      p"!".r.""  of so many Cornrnunists was viewed as indicating war rnay
      erupt in Konturn at an)r time.
                        Kontum province is one of the largest  adrninistrative
       divieions of the land but it includes only 104, 000 people. Of these, the
       reeidents  of Konturn city and its suburbe who are rnostly Catholic'
       Governrnent  control in the neighboring  area prior to the Tet oflensive
       can only be estirnated  at one sixth of the provincial  territory'
                         Friendly defense installations  in Kontum province were
       concentrated  around  two places : the city of Konturn and Dakto' A1-
       though artillery  pieces in either center: could not reach the other' they
       facilitate the defense task to a gt ea-t extend as they could be used as
       base areas {or operations reaching far into Comrnunist-held terri-
                         Kontum city was defended by three friendly forces'  one
       under the direction  of the sector cornrnand,  another belonging to the
       24th Special  Zone and the third being Arnerican troops' Besides'  there
       was another force of rninor special force rnanPower' called the 812

                         The sector cornrnand had 25 RF cornpanies  with 2' 670
       rnen plus 2,884 PF rnilitiarnen  guarding  outposts and distant villages'
       Itrree  pf   companies were in charge  of guarding  governrnent offices'

                         Besides some specialized units  tir,.e 24th Special Zoners
       organic units were the 403rd and 406th Recon Cornpanies  and the
       oplrational control unit was the 42nd Independent  Regirnent  with two
       batt"li.otts -  one.standing by at the Special Sector headquarters and
       the other stationed in Dakto,  where the regirnent  staff operated' The
       into t*o  elernents stationed in Konturn and Dakto' the 20Znd Engineer
        Cornpany  and an M4l tank squadron stationed in Konturn'
                          The American  force included the 173rd Airborne
        Brigade stationed in Dakto, a nurnber  of arrned helicopters at the
        KoJor., airfield,  which was expanded  recently,  and a nurnber  of CIDG

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