Page 309 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 309

of popular revolrrtion,
                          The second colurnn of the enernyts offensive forces
        consisted of the Z4th VC Regirnent, assigned  to support the first
        colurnn and the proposed enerny adrninistration  to be set up in Konturn
        following a successful  takeover of the city.

                          Specifically, the first  c olurnn bore the brunt of the
        ground  offensiwe,  with the 406th Battalion, which incLuded the CZO7,
        C208 and C20! q6rrrp2nies,        reinforced by cornrnandos and sappers,

                          The second colurnn played a supporting  role,  to supply
        troop replace;T1ents,  supplies  and equiprnent, and to block Vietnarnese
        and a1lied reinforcernents.  It included the K4, K5 and K6 Battalions
        of the Z4th VC Regirnent.  The K5 Battalion was especially  assigned
        to reinforce the first  columnrs  406th Battalion. The second colurnn
        itseU was reinJorced by the X200 Mountain Light Artillery  Battalion,
        which had been assigned to har:ass the cityts key rnilitary installations
        that night, but which failed to do so for unknown reasons.

                          In his attack on the 24th Special Zone cornpound, the
        enerny broke into the nearby officersr  housing quarters and, through
        intelligence data obtained previously, called on each and every officer
        residing there by his narne and rank to corne out and surrender. But
        these officers had escaped rnornents  before he arrived. Only the
        farnily of 3rd Lt Vien, who worked for the Zone IntelJ.igence Depart-
        rnent, fe11 victirn to enerny atrocity.  The lieutenant  was at horne when
        enerny guerrillas carne. But he i.gnored the latterts challenge to open
        the door, causing them to hurl grenades into his horne. The blasts
        killed his litt1e child and wounded  his wife, who lost a leg. The lieu-
        tenant'managed to escape while enerny terrorist  were looting canned
       food and sorne ducks. Sorne enerny agents also carne to the house of
       Maj Hoang Khac Minh, Konturn deputy province chief in charge  of
        security, for a sirnilar atternpt. But they sirnply left it  as they found
        out that the house was guarded  by sorne eight rnilitiarnen, besides
       the rnajor hirnself .  They also passed by the city  jail,  delivering  sorne
       harassrnent  fire  and then 1eft.  The jail  was defended  by one RF
       platoon. The sarne held true of the BI2  cornrnand headquarters.  At
       the airfield,  band of 14 enerrry got trapped  between two Arnerican
       units and was wiped out before it could do any harrn to the base or
       its defender  s.

                         By and large, the enernyrs {irst  colurnn failed to
       achieve its rnain objectives  as the night wore on to an end. But i_t
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