Page 313 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 313

sorrre alnrnunition to tine 22lst Artillery  Battalion to      Prepare   the local
      garrison for any eventuality,  There had been sorne indications  that
      the cornrnunist rnight atternpt sornething big against the headquarterg
       of the Special Zone and the locai MACV cornpound.

                         Later developrnents  were to prove that the Viet Cong
      had directed all their  strength tc this decisive battle. Battalion  K. 5
      was assigned to attack the headquarters of the Z4th Spe;ial Zone.
       Battalion  K.6 was assigned  to attack the cornrnand  Post         of the B' 12
      Special Forces unit and the MACV cornpound, while Battalions 304th
       and 406th were assigned  to attack ihe adrnini.  str ative section  of the city.
       Battalion  K.4 was to serve as general reserve.

                         On the friendly side, beeides organic units of the
       Special Zone, there were two additional fighting units : Battalion  Z/42
       and the 406th Reconnaissance  Cornpany'

                         Here follows the synopsis o{ the fighting in Konturn  :
                         2000 Hours : The attack began with an assault on the
       residence of the local cornrnander and the adrninistrative headquarters
       which was followed by harassrnent fire  against  t}:.e ZZlst Arti}lery
       Battalion, Battalion Z/42 and Cornpany 406/TK. Meeting with heavy
       resiatance the enerny withdrew.
                         2120 Hours : A four-pronged  attack against the head-
       quarters of lt,e 24th Special  Zone was atternPted at the sarne time as
       ernaLler assaults against various units in the city were made. The
       situation quickly grew serious and the defenders had to radio for

                         2130 Hours : With artillery  pieces and helicopter
       gunships  firing  point blank at the assaulting  enerny trooPs the frontal
       attack on the headquartets  6oon stopPed.  However,  harassrnent fire
       continued against the Fourth Engineer Cornpany and Cornapny 406/'IK,

                         2135 Hours : Cornrnunist trooPs apPeared at the High-
       land Language School only to be fired at by artillery  pieces set up
       at the base carnp of tbe Z?lsf Artillery  Battalion, the 8.12 Cornrnand
       Post, and the MACV cornpound, Meanwhile,  airplanes tried to cut
       enerny withdrawal routes. At zzz0 hours a short  1u11 6et in'

                         2230 Hours : The fight continued  with Viet Cong gunners
       rnortaring  the police headquarters and the airport'  Allied planes
       straJed enerny positions near the Bac Ai Pagoda and the provincial
       tr easury  building  s.

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