Page 312 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 312

Battalion  and a rnortar cornpany assaulted the Interrogation Center
       and the B12 c ornrna; r1 headquarters as well as the adjoining  Arnerican
       billet,  Nowhere did the enerny achieved  his objectives  since his bat-
       talions being badlv understrength and his rren weary f ollowing a hectic
       day of fighting elsewhere. The accurate counter battery fire  by
       friendty artillery  destroyed  the enernyrs rnortar cornpany  at the be-
       ginning  of the assault and helped throw back both enerny assaults.

                         But fighting continued  to rage during the rest of the
       ni.ght. A sweep operation conducted by friendly troops in the sarne
       general area turned up Z0 enerny bodies and three BZmrrr Erortars.
       The night fighting at the latter stages involved  the enernyrs  304th
       Pro'incial  MainJoi:ce  Battalion and 406th Sapper  Battal'ion.  Both
       were understrength. These units resurned the assault.

                         The enerny directed  his big guns at the installations
       but thanks to well dug forti{ications  and the presence  of rnany troops
       who hurriedly returned to their  carnp, all  cornrnunist  assaults failed.
       A depot of military  gear ,  however, was set afire.

                         At night, flares hung over the sky and the governrnent
       troops were effectively  supported  by air and artillerv"

                         On the second day o{ the holiday  season, governrnent
       units again were dispatched to restore  order in the city.  Si.nce their
       numbers were lirnited all  ihey could do was sweeP areas irnrnediately
       bordering  on the adrninistrative rnilitary  sections. They were also
       to receive sorne help frorn US troops ccrning in frorn the direction
       of the Da B1a bridge.
                         Reinforcernents sent to reli.eve  enernv pressure at the
       installations  of the 204th Polwar C ornpany counted  12 cornmunists  dead.
       Following this they tried to liberate  the Bac Ai Pagoda  where a strong
       enemy force had entrenched itsel{.  They were not able to dislodge
       the enerny forces but had to call ln  artillery  while US troop.s blocked
       all retreating  roads through the cernetery. It took government  trooPs
       several assaults before they reoccupied  the pagoda'  About 50% of the
        pagoda wa6 destroyed  during the fight.

                         During the second day of the holiday  season enemy
       troops still  kept to downtown areas but they failed to occupy  anv of
       the rnany adrninistrative and rnilitary installations in the city.  At
       1800 hours all the troops on 6weep operati.ons  returned  to the barracks.
                         In the evening  huge US Chinook helicopters had brought

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