Page 315 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 315

additional  arnrnunition frorn a fleet of Chinook  helicopters.
                          At nightfall fighting was renewed  throughout  the city
        but the enerny failed to achieve anything except setting a{ire a fortress
        of.the B.12 cornrnand post and a building of the base carnp of Battalion
        z  /4?.

                          In the early rnorning of the {ourth day o{ year o{ the
        Monkey two US cornpanies in conjunction  with Battalion  Z/+Z (-)  and
        a group o{ arrnored cars, reoccupied  the Highland  Laaguage School
        and the area of Vo Larn, The enerny, however, still  r:oz,de his presence
        felt throughout  the ciry with harassing  fire  directed at the adrninis_
        trative headquarters and by sending a few rounds of nortar  that
        exploded near the c ornrnand  post of B. IZ,

                          By noon that day a convoy of arnrnunition  escorted by
        tanks arriwed frorn Konturn.  But according  to the troops, a sensation
        of apprehension prevailed all through  the rnission  as it was every-
        oners guess that the cornrnunists  rnay attempt to arnbush the rnowing
        colurnn.  No arnbush, however,  was recorded.
                          At nightfall and later in the evening enerrly gunners
        again pounded  the city.  Dozens  of warheads exploded, especially  in the
        headquarters area o{ the Special Zone, resulting in the death of seven
        corobatants, including two officers, they were Znd Lt.  Huynh Trung
        Trong frorn the 2Ist Dalat Military  Acaderny c1ass, deputy .o..rp".ry
        cornrnander,  and 3rd Lt.  Pharn Hong Duc from the Thu Duc Officersr
        Training Schoolrs  25th class. Lt.  Duc had done the fighiing for three
       days only,

                          On the fifth  day of Tet, Feb 3, the sweep  operations
        still  continued throughout  the city.  Tanks  opened fire  on a nurnber
        of civilian houses  and the cityts Buddhist cornpound, which were
        suspected  of having a nurnber of Cornrnunist diehards. But these had
       fled out o{ town sornetirne in the preceding  night.

                          The enerny appeared  to be unable to Iaunch any further
       grotr.nd off ensive during the f ollowing days, but still  rnaintained. pre s_
        sures on the city with harassing  shellings.  These lasted rrrore than
       one rnonth and rnostly happened  at night. AII of the enerny shelling
       attacks were conducted with short range rockets of the l0Z and tZZrnm
       types, launched frorn a few jungie sites about ten kilorneters  away.
       One key rocket launching site was destroyed  by a B.5Z blanket
       bornbing strike,  which resulted  in six enerny killed. and a launching

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