Page 311 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 311

areas, f,roln which he directed sniper fire  at         Passing   troops. Maj
      Son, deputy city ccrnrnander while riding on the backseat o{ an arrny
      3rd  lieutenantrs Honda rnotorbike frorn their hornes to the City Corn-
      rnand headquarters was kil.led while passing this area and the lieu-
      tenant was wounded.
                         The enerny atternpted repeatedly to enter the predo-
      rninently Rornan Catholic Tan Hung area in a suburban section, but
      was repelled  by arrned  C atholic rnilitia.

                         The 3rd C ornpany  was assigned  to recaPture the rnarket
      p1ace. It was led by Li: Hoang Quang Anh, who was later wounded in
       action. Master Sergeant Huynh Long Thien, who led a platoon to fight
      the rnarket-based enerny, was killed on Le Van DuyetStreet,  a few
      dozen rneters short of the rnarket itself.  So was the signals  noncom
      vrho trailed behind hirn.
                         Lt Nguyen  Lien Hoan volunteered  to lead the assault
       on the rnarket. He hirnseU carried a 5 ?rnrn recoilless cannon, which
       he fired with the help of a trooper'  The rnarket caught fire frorn the
       cannonts incendiary shells, driving rno6t i-f not all of the enerny
       diehards out of the structut:e straight into the fire  wa1l of a srnall
       arnbushing arrny unit, This unit blocked the rnarketrs rnain way out
       to an adjacent residential  area. Four enerny were killed by the cannon
       blasts, four others by the arnbush party. The few survivors  backed
       away and fled to the fiLling station opPosite the rear base o{ the Bat-
       tallon Z/4, near the airfield,  to be intercepted by an Arnerican unit
       later in the afternoon.
                         Meanwhile,  the Battalion 2/4 .^PIir itself into three
       groups including the battalion cornrnand and its third cornpany defend-
       ing the ZZlst Artillery  base, its first  and second cornpanies defending
       the residence of the Special Zone Cornrnander and adjoining cornpounds
       and a platoon sent back to the rear base for its defense-
                         Around 1830 hours, the enerny took revenge and shelled
       the city.  The Special Zonet e arnrno durnp took a direct hit and           'vas
       two thirds destroyed.          The secondary explosions  lasted several
       hours. The friendly artillery  pieces opened counter-battery fire  with
       unknown  r e sults.

                         By 2100 hour6, the enerny reentered the city for
       another  ground assault.His K5 Battalion attacked the Special Zone
       C ornrnand cornpound and its  eubsidiary installations, while its K6

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