Page 314 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 314

0050 Hours : Cornrnunist troops again assaulted the
       residence of the local cornrnander and ihe southern  section of the B'12
       C ornrnand Post but were repeltred.  In these attacks enerny troops
       also used B.40 rockei launchers. this a lull  of sorts
       prevailed  for  about one hour.
                         0220 Hours : A final attempt was rnade against the
       base carnp  of. the ZZlst Artillery  Battalion but it failed thanks to the
       intense  counter fire  of the garrison.
                         0340 Hours : Cornrnunist gunners pounded the gasoline
       depot starting an irnrnense fire'  Following  ihis,  other cornrnunist
       troops assautted the rrrilitarv section of the city but were soon
       repelled.  By early rnorning all was quiet in Konturn City'

                         In this first  night of the cornrr:unist offensive, the
       Special Zone headquarters  and the B.l2 Cornrnand Post had respec-
       tively ten and two soldiers wounded  by rnortar expl'osions.  As the
       assailants  approached their targets the local garrison, aided by point
       blank artillery  fire,  killed a record nurnber of enerny soldiers.
                         The f ollowing rnorning rnernbers of the ZZIst Artillery
       Battalion  were the first  to venture out to collect  enerny weaPons. They
       were to find two 75rnrn recoilless rifles,  three 8Zrnrn rrlortar tubes,
       two 5Ornm rnortar tubes, two anti-aircraft rnachineguns,  one \4.79,
       17 rnachineguns  and 50 AK.47 and AK.50 autornatic  ri{les.  Troops
       frorn BattalionZf42  only collected 1? individual  weapons as the'f were
       a little  tate in getting out of carnp.
                         The cornrnander of the 2Z1st Artillery  Battalion  .I/as so
       pleased with the war booty that he hirnself counted the weapons cap-
       tured on that occasion.  Un-f ortunately,  he was wounded in the foot by
       an accidental explosion. This did not dilute his joy at seeing ov'er 200
       enerny soldiers lying dead all around his carnp. Those bodies becarne
       a threat to public health and had to be burned and buried collectiwely'
                         In the rnorning of the third day of the Year of the Monkey,
       rnany people frorn the suburb of Vo Larn entered the city following an
       attack on the area held by ihe cornrnunists by Battation  Z/42 (-)  ar'd
       Reconnaissance  C ornPany 405'

                         A little  before dark a grouP o{ F.105 arrived to relieve
       enerrry pressure on the northeast front of the headquarters  while the
       local garrison continued to aweep the city for rernnants of the retreat-
       ing Viet Cong. In the evening the artillery  battalion received sorne

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