Page 310 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 310

apparently wanted to stay and fight,  rather than pull out after norrnal
      enerrry ground attack pattern. The province chief, an army lieutenant
      colonel, called for  reinforcernents frorn tl:'e 24th Special  Zone Corn-
      rnander, Lt Col Nguyen Trong Luat, whose residence  had been defend-
      ed by a platoon detached frorn the BattaIlcn 2/4.

                         The cityrs defenders  started their counter-offensive
      around 0600h. The first  counter-offensive  force incl'uded the under-
       strength Battalion Zf4 srppotted, by the Tank Squadron 11/3 wlth four
      M41 tanks. Two of these tanks were left behind to guard the Special
       Zone cornpound, while the other two were assigned  to suPPort two
      cornpanies on a two-pronged counter-offensive  on the enerny positions
      in the adrninistrative area. One of these two tank6 were assigned  to
      pick up Zone Staff Chief Maj Bui Duc Tai who just escaped frorn his
      house through an enerny cordon. He left behind his wiJe and four
      children at the hou6e, which was kept off the enerny hands by troops
      guarding  the adjoining Zone Security Service office. This tank opened
      fire  on enerny positions  around this office, picked up Maj Tai safely
      and rnoved up to the adrninistrative area to carry out its assignrnents.
      But it  did not go very far,  as one round o{ B40 rocket grenade set it
      aflarne. Maj Tai jurnped out o{ the tank and ran for his liJe. The inci-
      dent took place at the height of Phan Thanh Gian Street, behind  the
      province  chiefrs office and residence.

                         The other tank supported the c ounte r - offensive troops
      effectively in the sarne general area, blasting the enerny out of the
      bunkers, which he had occupied at the start of his offensive. With
      its  support  the first  infantry cornPany  recaptured the Post        office, the
      elernentary education service and the radio c ornrnunic ations station.
       The cornpany cornrnander, 3rd Lt Huynh Van Theo was wounded. An-
       other 3rd lieutenant took over but was hit 1ater. The second company
      was then dispatched to reinforce  the first  one to recapture  the entire
       area. Led by 3rd Lt Ve, the relief cornpany  succeeded in retaking  it
       alrnost cornpletely. Sorne fifty  enerny bodies were counted  on the
       ground, besides sorne 1l assorted  weapona. One enerny was shot in
       the back and killed by his cornrades in arrns when he raised up his
       hands in an atternpt to surrender.
                         Around noon on Tet Day, Jan 30, or about ten hours
       after the enerny atarted his ground assault on the city,  the cityts
       adrninietrative area was recaptured  and under control oI governrnent
      troops. But the enerny sti.Il held the Bac Ai (Charity) pagoda  and the
      city rnarket place, and the adjoining civilian residential  and businees

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