Page 307 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 307

units cornrnanded by Arnerican  officers and stationed in distant out-

                          The enemy had been expected to assault the city for
        sorne tirne. But it was not until on the night of Tetts Eve, Jan 30,
        that he really executed his assault  p1an. The Konturn city assault  took
        place two days after the enerny attacked Dakto town, where the 42nd
        Regirnent C ornrnand  was headquartered.

                                 B. -  SEQUENCES  OF THE ASSAULT
                          Ai the stroke of 2 AM Jan 30, the enerny unleashed
       ferocious  shelling barrages  on the Z4th Special  Zone C ornrnand  head-
       quarters,  the Konturn airfield and the cityrs adrninistrative section.
       He followed it up sorne fiJteen rninute s later with an infantry  attack
        on the latter  section. The ground assault  was coordinated  with the raids by his sapper  squads, which had quietly sneaked into
       this and other areas around midnight  as innocent looking Tet holi-

                          The enerny struck very swiftly and effectively any
       points where ihere were no government troops or only srnall groups
       of defenders. At the position of the Z04th Political  Warfare  C ornpany,
       he ki11ed all ihe four soldiers and the cornrnanding  officer.  He owerran
       it  and the neighboring governrnent offices such as the post-office,  the
       inJorrnatj.on service, the elernentary education service and all of the
       unnranned  bunkers. He also spread into the residential  and shopping
       sections of the city easily. But he could not invade rnilitary  instal-
       lations and bases, which he chose to surround and isolate frorn the
       rest of the city.  These points included the Konturn province  adrninis-
       trative office, the province  chiefts residence, the treasury office,
       the city police station,  the logistical adrninistration  cornpany,  the
       Arrny Security  cornpound, the cityrs rnilitary cornrnand, the Zone
       Cornroanderrs  residence, the Military  Police Station etc..,

                         The ener:ry ernployed an estirnated  two battalions  to
       occupy  the unguarded or lightly guarded sections  of the city,  as part
       of an estiroated  two regirnents cornrnitted to the offensive on the whole
       city and its rnilitary  sections. These two battalions rnade up the first
       colurnn of the enerny force, They were reinforced by a nurnber oflocal
       guerrillas and suicide squads and assigned  to seize these serni and
       non-rnilitary  sections of the city to start a planned popular uprising
       to bolster the offensive forces and to give the offensive a touch

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