Page 302 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 302

(luang        Nam

                         Hoi An is the capital of Quang Narn province.  Enerny
       firing  started here at 0255 hours on January 30 or Tet eve, together
       with firecracker  explosions  and AR1IN soldiers greeting Tet by firing
       their weapons.
                         Enerny utilized two battalions for the attack on thi6
       city,  one attacked the position of 102nd Engineer Battalion  the other
       attacked Chi Lang carnp which is the forrner Quang Da Special Zone
       Headquarters.  At that thne Chi Lang carnp was the rear base of the
       5lst Infantry Regirnent and the carnp dispeneary.

                         In these attacks civilians rvere herded by the enerny
       as a hurnan shield for the assaults. They were intended  to be used
       later in a dernonstration  to force a change in the 1ocal governrnent.

                         The enerny took half of the Engineer Battali.on poeition
       before being 6topped. The enerny force attacking Chi Lang catnp over-
       ran the dispeneary and was stopped at the position of the 5lst In-fantry
       Regirnent by two artillery  platoons who fired point-blank  range at hirn.
                         Supported  by APCt s and a force of Korean  iroops the
       Sector C ornrnand  rnade a counterattack.  At 1000 hours friendly forces
       expelled  the enerny frorn the Engineer Battalion  position. The diepen-
       sary came under control of the friendly force at dark the sarne day.

                         The {ighting in the city wa6 over on the rnorning of
       January 31. Enerny rnortar attack of rnilitary installations  such as the
       artillery  position at Dien Ban,  Que Son districte and Ai Nghia bridge
       happened  concurrently with his attack on the city.  The city was apora-
       dically pounded by rnortar and I??rnxn rockets until the fifth  day of
       Tet of February 4.
                         In the attack of the city enerny lost nearly 300 soldiers,
       86 weapons including 12 crew-served  weapons were captured.

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