Page 299 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 299

As far  as the enerny offensive  was concerned the enerny
        failed in his two rnajor objectives  : occupying  the city and paralyzing
        the se two airfie ld s.
                          The other rnajor factors  behind the enerny defeats were

        - Battalions Z/L and,3/7were  conducting a support  operations  for the
        local rural developrnent tearns in the not distant Trieu           phong    and Hai
        Lang areas;

        -  An airborne battalion had been airlifted to strengthen the cityrs
        defense  perirneter  in the Long Hung and Hanh Hoa harnlets;

        -  I/I  n a.iualion supported.  by an ApC squadron,  was being stationed
        on the western side of the city; and
        -  The peoplers passive  defense prograrn was carried out with preci._
        sion and effec tivene  s s.
                          Were it not for these preparations        euang ?ri  as a
        frontline city,  rnight not have been able to defend itself durin! this
        general offensive.  The local governrnentrs  and peoplers rnoral and
        physical  preparedness  and ability largely contributed to the enerny
        defeat, Assaulting     Quang Tri  city,  the enerny had operated in an
        entirely hostile area and was certainly  bound to be defeated. lf this
       was a strategic rnistake of the enerny, it  should be a perrnanent
        rerninder for the rest of the country.

                                    NORTH  Vt€T llA tvt

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                                                               CAP.7OLL   C  L\P

                                            9 ou rrt  Vter  pA^/l

                                             KHE SANH OUTPOST

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