Page 295 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 295

By increasing their pressures on Khe Sanh val1ey,  the
      enerny troops were apparently trying to divert part of the friendly for-
      ces frorn  Quang Tri  city.  Their Khe Sanh carnpaign started sorne ten
      days before  T et.

                        Frorn Da Nang, I  Corps Cornrnander Gen. Hoang Xuan
      Larn flew to the threatened  city and ordered it placed in a state of
      ernergency.  A11 security  and arrned services as well. as civil  services
      were placed on a 100 per cent standby alert.  He predicted  that the
      city would have to rneet a stiff challenge frorn the enerny forces"
      Martial 1aw was proclairned  at the sarne tirne.
                        In the neighboring sub-seutors, all the cornbat elements
      were called in to defend their headquarters and to stand ready to res-
      cue the cify.  In Trieu Phong district,  a Rural Developroent task force
      was positioned at Bich Khe harnlet to block the enernyrs  infiltration
      route to the district  town,

                        Weapons  were taken out of warehouses and distributed
      to civil  servants and cadrernen. On Jan 28, the curfew, irnposed
      frorn 2100h. through 0500h,  was rigidly  observed by the entire people.
      LTC.Nguyen Arn was apparently satisfied with  the counter-offensive
      preparations  and confident in the defense  arrangernents  rnade. He
      toured several rnilitary  instal.lations including the aewly built Ai Tu
      airfield,  defended by a cornbined  Arnerican Air  Force and Engineer
                        By  and large, the Quang Tri  city people led an austere
      life.  The cityrs only cinerna was also its rnain public rneeting placei
      It only showed old, obsolesccnt  cheap filrns.  Only a few shops with
      rnodest shelves  ser.ved  the entire c ornrnunity,  Local people as well
      as occasional  visitors  regarded Quang Tri  city as divorced frorn the
      central  governrnent  of Sa.igon,
                        On the fet  Dayrs afternoon  the weeklong Tet truce
      was cancelled all over the First  Corps area. The Quang Tri  people
      could see even rnore clearly the signs of a rnajor  ene14y  ground
      offensive on their city.  Enerny elernents began to appear in the Hai
      Lang, Trieu Phong, Tri  Buu and La Vang areas, sending thousands
      of local people panicking toward the city.  A few farnilies living near
      the cityts rnilitary  installations  and rnain thoroughfares rnoved to
      other areas inside the city.
                        For defense  and c ounte r attack       the friendly lorce  s

      were posi.tioned  as folLows  :
      -  The lst In-fantry Regirnent, led by Lt Co1 Nguyen Huu Hanh, was

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