Page 296 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 296

spread frorn Long Hung to the M Zone, through La Vang and Thach
       -  The 9th Airborne  Battalion,  freshly airlifted  frorn Saigon as a reser-
       ved force to help Quang Tri  people enjoy a happy Tet, guarded  the
       Hanh Hoa Thon and Tri  Buu areas.

       -  Positioned clo6est to town was a cornbined special group of cornbat
    '   (riot) police  and RD cadrernen.

                         At 0400h,on the second day of  Tet or Jan 31, the enerny
       unleashed a heavy shelling barrage  and a cornbined  ground assault
       upon the city. The 8th NVA Regirnent, infiltrated frorn north Vietnarn
       only eight days earlier,  participated in the battle.

                         Major enerny assaults  were launched on the Tri  Buu
       area, about I krn frorn the city,  where enerny troops disguised  thern-
       selves as ARVN paratroopers to swoop  on an airborne platoon.  But
       their plot was expeditiously uncovered by our paratroopers, The
       irnposters  had worn  rubber tire  sandals rather than the genuine
       jungle boots.
                         In its assault on the De Tu area, which adjoined the
       city jail,  the enerny force overran an airborne platoon  stationed in
       Hanh Hoa Thon and got into the Tri  Buu area" But it never succeeded
       in  reaching the jai1, which had been owerrun in the April  1967 assault
       on Quang Tri  city.  But in Hanh Hoa Thon, the airborne platoon  suf-
       fered serious casualties, trying to throw back the overwhekning
       enerny force.
                         At the sarne tirne, the other enerny groups lndiscrirni-
       nately assaulted the city frorn various  sides. Two enerny sapper
       platoons  rnanaged  to fight their way into the city'
                         Cornbat police and Regional Forces troops on rnachine-
       gun-rnounted trucks threw back all of the enerny assault waves
       against rnilitary  and adrninistrative  structures.
                         As daylight dawned on the city,  the enerny withdrew,
       leaving behind his dead, In the De Tu area near the jail  hundreds of
       enerny bodies were left behind to be seen by the crowds of civilians.
                          The civilian casualties were very light'  probably
        because  aI1 civilian houses  had their own shelters and bunkers'

                          The enerny fired rnany lZZrnrn rockets into the city but
        these inaccurate rni6siles rnissed their targets and caused no darnage
        or  casualtie s.

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