Page 298 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 298

north Vietnarn. The other was a local c ornrnunist guerrilla,  who sur-
       rendered hungry and tired after two days of hiding in an underground
       draining duct.

                         The city slowly returned to norrnal. But on the night
       of Feb 10, the enerny launched  an assault on the Rornan  Catholic
       Harnlet of Duong Loc, about 12 krns north ol the city'  This harnlet had
       long been a target of cornrnunist carnpaigns of terror  and destruction'
       It was norrnally defended  by a PF        Platoon  which was strengthened  that
       night by rnany students on Tet horne vacation. The enerny c ornrnitted
       his K8 Battalion  plus two regional guerrilla  cornpanies  to the attack'
       His attack began around five rninute  s       Past  rnidnight but it was unsuc-
       cessful in breaking through  the solid defense perirneter, which was
       heavily defended  with directional, fragrnentary  type clayrnore rnines
       and rnanned  by deterrnined  rnilitiarnen and people.  The actual
       gunfight did not occur until 0800h'the following rnorning and lasted
       for  one hour until rnost defenders ran out of arnrnunition  and withdrew.
       A srnall rnilitia  elernent led by Duong Minh Hoang was wiped out
       fighting  a desperate  rear guard battle to help the other rnilitiarnen
       escape unhurt frorn the storrning enerny.
                         Yet the enerny was unable to occupy the harnlet because
       of the stubborn guerrilla tyPe resistance  of the harnlet residents,  the
       rnany booby traps and intricate alleyways  inside the harnlet and, last
       but not 1east, artiJ.lery  support. He was cornpelled to Pull          out of the
       harnlet soon aJter dark. Six rnilitiarnen were kil1ed, a few others
        abducted, while the enerny  su-ffered a larger nurnber of casualties'
        I Corps Cornrnander  Gen. Hoang Xuan Larn helped the harnlet  people
        rebuild their defense force to a considerable extent soon after that
                          An arnateur writer,  Le Nguyen Phuong, rnade the
        f ollowing cornrnents on the 1968 Tet counter offensive in Quang Tri  :
        rr  Tribute should. be paid to the spirit of alertness  of the Quang Tri
        province  governrnent, which had tirnely prepared the local people
        ernotionally  and physically  to cope with the enerny offensive since the
        enemy pressure  began to rnake itself heavily felt on the frontline areas
        near the city.  Quang Tri  was fortunate  enough to be supported  by two
        airfields,  Dong Ha and Ai Tu, which could support  each other in case
        either of thern was put out of action" Furtherrnore, the Ai Tu airfield
        had a USAF engineer unit, which in tirnes of need could becorne  an
        effective fighting elernent to helP the city.  What had squarely  been
        behind the enernyrs inability to rnass in{iltrate the city was the tirnely
        and effective airstrikes provided  by these two airfieldsrr.

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