Page 288 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 288

Citadelts walls and ciwilian  houses to organize their defense  against
        our c ounterattack.

                          The enemy fought friendly counterattack  forces mainly
        by fighting as close to thern as possible in order to avoid or discourage
        friendly artillery  and air  support. On the  first  day he fought fiercely
        and alrnost continuously; that night he harassed friendly forces and
        never let thern rest.  Next day, he again fought fiercely and continu-
        ous1y. His tactics consisted of fighting in skirrnish forrnations, by
        concentrating his groups for attacks, by coordinating ground assaults
        with artillery,  by sniper fire,  by srnal1-group delaying  actions
        against friendly advancing troops, by attacking  the rear or the flanks
        of friendly forrnations. At night he sent out srnall groups to conduct
        harrassing attacks with 840 and B4I RPG fire  on our positions.

                          The enerny took extensive  casualties frorn friendly
        heavy artillery  and air  support.

                          An estirnated 7, 500 enerny troops participated directly
        in the Hue battle, They consisted of at least three regirnents of Z, 000
       rnen each plus the sappersbased in and around the city.

                          According  to Viet Cong docurnents  the Viet Cong suf-
       fered 1,042 killed and a larger nurnber  of wounded,  Those killed
       included a regirnental  cornrnander, eight battalion corrrrnanders,  24
       c ornpany cornrnander and 7Z platoon leaders. The enerny attack con-
        sj.sted of two phases : the offensive  phase frorn Ja.n 30 through Feb 6
       and the defensive  phase frorn Feb 7 through 25.
                         While occupying the city the enerny clairned to have
       persuaded sorne 500 young people to join his ranks, He seized a
       treasury safe with four rnillion piastres and Iiberated  1,800 prisoners
       frorn the city jail.  He also clairned that he succeeded in forrning the
       Peoplers Alliance for Dernocracy  and Peace with Professor Le Van
       Hao as chairrnan, Mrs Tuan Chi, Venerable Thich Don Hau and two
       unidentified  Cornrnunists  as alliance  rnernbers.

                         The enerny forces received orders to withdraw frorn
       Hue on Feb 23 but we did not regain control of the entire city until
       the end of the following day.
                                   D. -  LESSONS LEARNED

                         Enerny docurnents  revealed sorne ofthe  f ollowing short-
       cornings cornrnitted  by his units  :

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