Page 28 - Bản tin Cư An Tư Nguy - Số 2
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           Chia Sẻ Sinh Hoạt: Tượng Đài Đá                      one’s life for one’s friends” (Jn 15:13). We have great
            Đen Di Động đến các Tiểu Bang                       admiration  for  those  who  died  for  the  just  cause  of
                                                                freedom.  Their  ultimate  sacrifices  will  never  be  in
         Remark  by  Thoi  Xuan  Tran,  former  National  President  of
        the  Vietnamese  American  Community  (VAC),  President,   An American Vietnam veteran once told me that the
        Thu Duc  Fellowship, at the event program “Welcome the
                                                                most difficult thing for him was feeling that what he
        Traveling  replica  of  the  Vietnam  Veterans  Memorial  in
        Washington,  D.C.,”  Saturday  June  23 ,  2018,  Minnesota   did in Vietnam was all in vain.  He was made to feel
        State Capitol Grounds.                                  shame  when  he  returned  home  instead  of  proud  of
        Bức tượng Đài Di Động Tưởng Niệm Chiến Sĩ Hoa Kỳ        what  he  and  his  brothers  and  sisters  had  done.  He
        hy sinh tại chiến trường Việt Nam được trưng bày qua    struggled with that feeling for over 40 years, until one
        các tiểu bang. Nhân dịp bức tường di động đến Minne-    day  after  visiting  the  Vietnam  Wall,  his  sister  asked
        sota, chiến hữu Trần Xuân Thời, nguyên chủ tịch Cộng    him:  “Why  do  you  think  you  went  to  Vietnam?  His
        Đồng  Việt  Nam  tại  Hoa  Kỳ,  đại  diện  Công  Đồng  Việt   response was: “To prevent the spread of communism
        Nam và các đoàn thể dân, quân, cán, chính, tri ân các   in  Southeast  Asia  and  throughout  the  world.”  Her
        chiến sĩ  đã hy sinh oanh liệt trong cuộc chiến chính
                                                                response was:  “How do you know you didn’t.”  That
        nghĩa chống Cộng sản xâm lăng. Bản Tin xin chia sẻ bài   made him think that the sacrifices made by his broth-
        phát biểu của chiến hữu chủ tịch Trần Xuân Thời trong
                                                                ers  and  sisters  were  not  in  vain.  Maybe  they  could
        buổi lễ trước Minnesota State Capitol.
                                                                not prevent the subjugation of South Vietnam by the
                                                                communists, but they did keep Thailand, the Malaysi-
                                                                an peninsula, the Philippines and others from falling
                                                                under communist domination.

                                                                He  also  said  the  hardest  thing  he  had  to  do  in  Vi-
                                                                etnam was to leave his brothers behind when he ro-
                                                                tated back to the United States knowing many more
                                                                would never return.
                                                                Thank God we have learned not to blame the warrior
                                                                for  the  war.  Nothing  will  make  up  for  the  way  our
                                                                Vietnam veterans were treated when they got home,
                                                                but  at  least  they  are  honored  now  rather  than  des-
        Dear Vietnam Veterans,                                  pised.  He  told  me  that  nothing  compares  to  being
                                                                thanked by second and third generation Vietnamese
         Thank you Twin Cities Public Television for the oppor-
                                                                Americans  for  what  he  did  for  them  in  Vietnam.  It
        tunity to be here today to honor and express our pro-
                                                                makes up for a lot of pain that he felt over the years.
        found  gratitude  to  all  Vietnam  Veterans  who had  to
        leave their families, friends and home, to travel half-  Vietnam  has  more  than  4,800  years  of  history,  in
        way across the World and help fight for the freedom of   which for one thousand years Vietnam was under Chi-
        Vietnam.  The  Vietnam  veterans  fought  so  gallantly  nese domination and with French colonial connection
        side  by  side  with  the  Republic  of  Vietnam  and  allied  from  1862  to  1954.  The  Geneva  Accords  in  1954
        armed forces for trying to help keep Vietnam free. We   signed by Great Britain, France, Soviet Union, China,
        will never forget your sacrifice.                       and  Viet  Minh  divided  Vietnam  into  two  zones:  a
                                                                southern  zone  to  be  governed  by  the  State  of  Vi-
        For the families whose members are missing in action,
                                                                etnam, and the northern zone to be governed by Viet-
        or  died  in  Vietnam, words  cannot  say  what  is  in  our
                                                                namese Communist rebels.
        heart, nor tell you how deeply we feel for you in your
        sorrow.  “There  is  no  greater  love  than  to  lay  down   The Vietnamese Communist rebels violated 1954 Ac-

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