Page 29 - Bản tin Cư An Tư Nguy - Số 2
P. 29


        cords and launched subversive actions against the Re-   rently  demonstrating  against  the  Vietnamese  Com-
        public  of  Vietnam  by  organizing  the  Liberation  Front   munist totalitarian regime for conceding land and is-
        for the infiltration of more military men and ammuni-   lands to China and for passing legislation to stifle the
        tion into South Vietnam.                                freedom  of expression and  other  worst  violations  of
                                                                human rights.
        The  Republic  of  South  Vietnam  requested  the  United
        States for help at first with thousands of military advi-    “Be  ready  to  give  a  reason  for  the  hope  that  is  in
        sors to a maximum of 500,000 military men and wom-      you” (1 Peter 3:15).  Yes, we have reasons to appreci-
        en. The Paris Peace Agreement of 1973 ended the War  ate  the  noble  deed  of  Vietnam  Veterans  and  allied
        and restored the peace in Vietnam.                      forces for trying to keep Vietnam free.  Vietnam War
                                                                was  a  just  war  in  accordance  with  the  internation-
        The North Communist armed forces violated the 1973
                                                                al criteria:
        Peace Agreement, crossed the DMZ and invaded South
        Vietnam on April 30, 1975.                              (1) The use of force in Vietnam war was the last resort
                                                                against  the  communist  attacks;  (2)  The  Republic  of
        For  more  than  40  years,  the  Hanoi  government  has
                                                                Vietnam  was  a  legitimate  authority  to  request  the
        been  a  dictatorial  and  not  authentic  regime  for  not
                                                                United States of America and allied forces for help to
        being elected by the Vietnamese people, in violation of
                                                                defend  South  Vietnam  against  the  communist  inva-
        (1)   Article 21 (3) of the Universal Declaration of Hu-  sion; (3) The United States and allies’ intervention in
        man Rights that states “The will of the people shall be   Vietnam  had  a  just  cause  to  be  in  response  to  a
        the basis of the authority of government. This will shall   wrong  suffered  in  order  to  correct  the  inflicted
        be expressed in periodic and genuine elections … which   wound;  (4)  The  Vietnam  war  was  primarily  to  re-
        shall be held by secret vote or equivalent free voting   establish peace. The aim of the use of force was for
        procedures.”                                            justice; (5) The Vietnam war was proportional to the

        (2)   Article 9(b) of the Paris Peace Agreement of Janu-  casualties suffered. The Republic of Vietnam, United
        ary  27,  1973  states  “The  South  Vietnam  shall  decide   States and allied forces only used the amount of force
        themselves  the  political  future  of  South  Vietnam   when absolutely necessary and (6)   Innocent citizens
        through  genuinely  free  and  democratic  general  elec-  were not the target of war.  On the contrary, the com-
        tions under the international supervision.”             munist forces used civilians as a shield in human wave
                                                                attacks,  and  shelled  mercilessly  at  villages,  schools
          The  armed  conflict  is  over  but  the  war  on  human
                                                                and populated cities to kill innocent peoples with the
        rights is not over yet. We strongly appreciate your con-
                                                                shock to  human conscience  banner  “We, VC, should
        tinuing support to our effort to restore democracy and
                                                                fight to the last Vietnamese for Soviet Union and Red
        freedom  in  Vietnam.  Millions  of  Vietnamese  are  cur-
                                                                We  are  here  to  honor  all  United  States  and  Allies’
                                                                armed forces veterans who fought so gallantly side by
                                                                side with RVN Armed forces  and to commemorate all
                                                                fallen comrades in arms.

                                                                Our life long appreciation to all of you for your sacri-

                                                                God bless you and bless America.

                                                                References: THE WALL THAT HEALS | June 21-24 2018 at
                                                                the MN State Capitol |
                                                                 The Wall That Heals:

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