Page 18 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 18

General Nature of Flanoi's

           Winter, Spring Carnpaign

                            What was to be referred to as the Cornrnunist Winter-
            Carnpaign (wSC) or       ttgeneral  attacks, general uprisingsrr or Tet Offen-
            sive was launched in the early days of the Year of the Monkey (Janua-
            ry - February f968). These operations took the forrn of incessant and
            powerful attacks against practically all the cities and townships  of
            South Vietnarn,

                            Ten days before the carnpaign started the Cornrnunist
            High C ornrnand  had ordered an unprecedental rnortar and rocket attack
            again6t the Allied strategic base at Khe Sanh which was followed up
            with violent ground assaulfs on the besieged outpost.  The action,
            which took place on 20 January 1968, propably  was intended  to divert
            the attention of the Vietnarnese  and U,S. High C ornrnands away frorn
            what the C ornrnuni sts really had in rnind.

                            A srnall locality near the Laotian and North Vietnarnese
            borders and not very far frorn Con Tien where big battles had been
            recorded  i.n rnid-196?, Khe Sanh practically sits on the rnain in{iltra-
            tion routes that lead to the northernrnost  provinces  of South Vietnarn.
            The base itseLf is positioned in the rniddle of a square rnile valley
            surrouncled  by high rnountains. It was rnanned  by ab out 6, 000 U. S.
            Marines and a srnall contingent  of South Vietnarnese  Rangers.
                            Khe Sanh was served by a small airport and could rely
            on three srnall outposts  atop Hills 881, 861 and 1015 for advance  war-
            ning of a rnajor Cornrnunist thrust.  To the east was C arnp Carroll
            to the west Lang Vei,  a srnall village, the defense  of which was en-
            trusted. to a battalion of Civilian Irregular Defense Group  (CIDG)  and
            a handful of Arneric an advisors.

                             The North Vietnarnese  attack on Khe Sanh resulted  in 20
            Leathernecks heing killed and 109 wounded in the very first  rninute  s
            of the battle. These casualties were rnainly due to the lengthy artillery
            barrage against Carnp Carroll which was followed by ground assaults
            against the troops on Hills  881 and 85I. In this probe, the 26th Regi-
            rnent of the Third Marine Division had its firts  taste of the tactics of
            the 325th Division of the Peoplers Arrny of (North) Vietnarn (PAVN).
                             Face with the prospects of a big battle at Khe Sanh'
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