Page 15 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 15


           The following pages have been written to record the rnany develop-
           rnents that constitute the Cornrnunist       rGeneral   Offensiver of 1958. They
           have been cornpiled with the sirnple intention to collect in book forrn
           the rnany lessons of history that are df concern to each and every one
           of the rnernbers of the Vietnarnese Arrned Forces.
           In cornpiling this book, which we should like to be as accurate as po6-
           sible, we have dispatched a group of rnilitary historians to rnany areas
           of the Republic to collect inforrnation and interview rlany of the central
           characters of the drarn3s that unfolded there, We have to say, however,
           that the Viet Cong     rTetr  offensive  was of such a rnagnitude as to make
           a cornplete gathering of facts an irnpossible undertaking,

           Moreover, with tirne passing so very rapidly relegating quite a few
           details into obli.vion and with the reconstruction  work progressing  rnost
           satisfactorily  and healing the wounds of war,  our task was not an easy
           one. We have, thus, to rely on 6ome of the press reports that were                     r I
           publiehed at the tirne of the     rTetrfighting    and rnake thern parts of this
           book with the hope that their authors will  not object to our doing  so
           without seeking their perrnission.  In view o{ the c ornrnon  good, we
           dare hope that they accept herein our rnost heartfelt  gratitude.
           A1so, in our effort to publish this book, we have received invaluable
           help of rnany rnilitary  cornrnands that carne in the forrn of pictures
           and docurnents  directly related to the rnany developrnents of this na-
           tionrs history in the first  half of the year 1968. We should like to ac-
           knowledge hereby our sincerest  thanks for their irnrnense assistance
           without which this book could not have been written.
           Moreover, let us say that this book per force will bear quite a'few
           shortcornings which we would like to elirninate with the help of our
           readers. If you are in possession of docurnents  and inJorrnation,  we
           would like to invite you to share these with us. For a better second
           edition of this book, you are kindly invited to write us at the following
           ad.dress : History Section, J5/JGS/RVNAF, APo,4002.
                                                     History Section
                                                     J5/Joint General  Staff
                                                     RVN Arrned Force s
                                                     Saigon, Republic  of Vietnarn

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