Page 237 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 237

were forced to Iight to the death wi.thin our tightening encirclernent.
      Many others frorn disorganized units fled for hideouts  located within
      this area. At 1000 hours 10 VC carne out to surrender. Arnong thern
      were one woman and two rnen all of which were Chinese born cadre.
      They declared they were of the 6th Battalion inJiltrated frorn Phu Larn,
                       In total on the rnorning of June 6th in particular we
       captured ten 8.40s and 8.41s, one M.79, 2 carbines, 38 AKs, and
       6 autornatic r ifle s.
                       At night the enerny rnade an atternpt to escape. Frorn the
      direction of Father Tarnrs Church I  VC were killed by the 6th Precinct
      Policernen in Iront of the Asia Restaurant.  Also during the night the
      Rangers killed 10 other VC in an arnbush  while they were running frorn
      Tong Doc Phuong Street to the Sth.Precinct.

                       But on the night of June 6th and early rnorning of June
       7th, a large group of VC disguised a6 Marines and Field Force Police-
      rnen infiltrated into the area at the end of Bang Ky Bridge and the
      Truong Van Ben Soap  C ornpany on Kirn Bien Street. In the rnorning
      our troops returned to search Father Tarots Church area, Also on
      this day the Ranger Cornrnand transferred the entire 38th Ranger Bat-
      talion frorn Phu Larn to replace the 35th Ranger Battalion leaving the
       zone of operations  for rehabilitation.  The newly arrived battalion was
      c ornrnanded  by Captain Nghenh acting Battalion Cornrnander and was
       split into Z colurnns; one cornposed of the lst and the Znd Cornpanies
      carne to relieve the 35th Ranger Battalion for fur.ther  operations in
      the quadrangle  Tong Doc Phuong - Hoc Lac, The 3rd and the 4th
      Cornpanies  were sent to restore security at Ba Cang area. It accorn-
      plished its rnission by destroying  an estirnated  VC platoon still  strag-
      gling on Van Tuong, Go Cong, Ngo Thanh Tinh Streets.
                       In the rnorning the National Police Field Force repelled
      the enerny frorn their defensive positions in the Truong Van Ben Soap
      Factory and killed about 30 VC, The factory was severely darnaged.
      4 VC rallied and 2 were captured on Go Cong Street.

                       The Ranger colurnn departed frorn Khong Tu Street via
      the Soap Factory to the corner o{ Van Tuong Street. Many isolated
      clashes broke out on their arrival.  Irnrnediately the Rangers captured
      the building s and Palikao Bridge (Ba Cang) situated on the corner  of
      Go Cong, Ngo Nhan Tinh Streets. Frorn the corner of Van Tuong and
       Trinh Hoai Duc Streets to the bank of the creek on the other side of
      the swarnpy area the VC were firrnly  entrenched in their positions by

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