Page 235 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 235

Also on June 4th the 35th Ranger Battalion cornrnanded  by
      Major Hoa was ordered to replace the 3Oth Ranger Battalion  that had
      been fighting for  6 consecutiwe  days. AJter just arriving on the battl.e
      front one company of this battalion was irnrnediately  assigned thetask
      to hold blocking positions  in Hong Bang Street because the enerny was
      reported to have extended their defense in that area, Many buildings
      were in enerny hands to include the one where the Chinese Charnber
      of Cornrnerce  at Phung Hung - Hong Bang Crossroads was located.
                      On the rnorning o{ June 5th the 35th Ranger Battalion
      supported by M.41 tanks was split into 2 colurnns. The force was to
      depart frorn Khong Tu Street and advance into the zone of action which
      was then divided into 2 objectives.

                      The 1st objective included Khong Tu, Ly Thanh Nguyen,
      Manh Tu and Hoc Lac Streets,

                      The Znd objective included  Nguyen Trai,  Phung Hung,
      Hong Bang and Ly Thanh Nguyen Streets.

                      The Ist objective was considered captured  at 1135 hours.
      The Soai K'inh Larn Re staurant which had been in the hands of the
      enerny for rnany days was reoccupied, The tanks were reassigned  to
      support the attack on the Znd objectiwe  which was seized at 1300 hours.
      The rangers continued to search tl'e area. A new order was given  on
      this day, The ernployrnent of air and artilLery  support would be lirnited
      to avoid causing injury to the people. This new order carne frorn Major
      General Nguyen Van Minh the newly assigned cornrnander of the Capital
      Military  D  strict who replaced C olonel Nguyen Van Giarn, The order
      was effectiwe  as of 1000 hours June 4th 1968. But actually, the enerny
      force was no longer a significant threat and consisted only o{ isolated
      nests of resistance. Tank gunfire and recoilless ri{Ie fire were used
      to destroy  the rernaining VC sorne of which were still  fighting des-
      per ate ly frorn scattered positions,

                      On the rnorning of June 6th one company of the 38th
      Ranger Battalion  was assigned as reinJorcernents  with the rnission
      to deny all other enerny infiltration into the city while the 35th Ranger
      Battalion continued to conduct search operations. The VC were only
      able to pursue  the resistance  in sorne buildings on the left of Dong
      Khanh and Hoc Lac Streets in front of Father Tarr:rs Church. By 1300
      hours this enerny l0 rran-group was elirninated,  A11 were killed.  In
      other areas 30 VC bodies lay scattered here and there.
                      A few isolated elernents were stll1 firing  because they

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