Page 230 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 230

Houses in this area were devastated by the {ire.  Black
      decornposing charred  bodies ernitted stinky odors. The firemen had
      to wear rnasks and rubber gloves to pick up corpses and load thern
      on trucks for burial  elsewhere.  Added to the ruins were scattered
      burned civiLian and rnilitary vehicles.
                      Cn June 1st, hearing that the situation was irnproving,
      the refugees  began to return secretly to see if their horne s had been
      darnaged. In total,  283 were killed by body count in this area' The
      Marines captured ? crew-served and 40 individual weapons.  On the
      friendly side, 13 were killed and 53 wounded'

                       One of the Marine heroes was Corporal Le Thanh' 27.
      While Thanh and three other Marine s were lef t on the roof of a build-
      ing on Hau Giang Street without contact with their unit for 40 hours,
      Thanh hirnselI achieved a record,  killed 20 YC although  he had been
      wounded in  the che st.
                       AIso on June lst the rangers and policernen  repelled  the
      enerny as far  as Ly Thanh Nguyen Street. But as darkness carne the
      rangers and police had to pull back. The VC once again took advantage
      oI darknese  and the undefended area to return to hold positions in the
      buildings. They pushed vehicles in the streets to set uP barricades.
                       On Sunday rnorning at ? otclock the oPerational forces
      penetrated again into the battle area. Clashes followed.  In Khong Tu
      Street the enerny preasure was the heaviest then around Ly Thanh
      Nguyen and Manh Tu Streets. The C ornrnuni sts organized  defensive
      positions in the building s frorn the Nghia Xanh Motorbike knport
      Agency to the old Delta bound bus station.

                       Their was so violent that heavy tanks had to be called
       in.  A fire  was touched off . Many wounded VC were burned alive in
       the r flarne s.
                       In the afternoon the enerny pressure  was sti1l heavy in
       Khong Tu Street. Gunships carne to strike at assigned target6. At
       1800 hours the sky clouded over with scattered drops of rain.  A US
       gunships flew i.n frorn the left of Khong Tu Street and launched a
       rocket which pierced  the wall on the second floor of Phuoc Duc High
       School at No 226 Khong Tu Street and exploded on the entrance stePs
       of the ground floor.  Irnrnediately following the explosion of the rocket
       the helicopter hovered  around to strafe with rnachineguns.  Color
       srnoke grenadeg were eet off to signal friendly positions. The helicop-
       ter then flew away.
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