Page 228 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 228

Our relief forces then rnoved into the battle area whlle
      a blocking       force consisting  of policernen  and personnel frorn Cay
     Mai Intelligence Schoo1  were  Positioned         all along Mai Xuan Thuong
      Street frorn the intelligence School as far as Nhi Thien Duong Bridge'
      To the left was Dong Khanh Street, to  the right Hong Bang Street and
     farther outside  Tong Doc Phuong Street, everything was guarded by
      the Rangers and the Policernen.
                      The civilian residents in the battle area had been warned
      to leave their homes  prior to H. hour by Colonel Tran Van Hai
      through a loudspeaker.  He also at the sarne tirne transmitted the order
      of the General, Chief of the Joint General Staff urging all troops to
      respect the peoplers property. Sorne prisoners  of war were also al-
      lowed to caLl out to their cornrades to lay down their arms'  At 1030
      hours the operational forces started their advance' A colurnn depart-
      ing frorn Tong Doc Phuong - Nguyen Trai Crossroads rnoved down
      the road. The enerny returned fire  prornptly in Tong Doc Phuong
      Street but our trooPs gradually  drove thern to Phung Hung Street
      where the enerny had opened case - like holes through  the walls of the
      buildings. Such tactics  proved to be effective. We had to use M' 79
      gte.rade launchers and 5 Trnrn recoilless rifles  to reduce hostile posi-
      iion"  orl. by one. Phung Hung Street euffered  rather heavy darnages
      particularly at the textile rnarket and the area lying between Nguyen
      Trai  and Dong Khanh Streets'
                       Early in the afternoon the enemy pushed close to Ly
      Thanh Nguyen Street' Many violent  engagernents broke out' Ten VC
      lay dead on the battle area.
                       Another police force advanced along Hau Giang and Phan
      Dinh Ho Streets under the c ornrnand of Lieutenant Colonel Le Ngoc
       Tru and within supporting  range of heavy rnachine guns caI' 50 rnount-
       ed on tanks. Sorne policernen fell  dead under intense  enemy fire'

                       In the rnorning,  rnany Skyraiders flew in to provide air
       support. Many fires broke out in New Cholon at noon' The firernen
       carne and extingulshed  the flarnes,  saving in time the rice depots
       while the f ighting was still  raging.

                       The situation at Phu Larn A calmed down as the battle
       front shi{ted into Cholon.  We had cornpletely gained control of the
       Phu Larn A Housing Quarters, Rural Roads 14 and 15, Road 46 and
       Minh Phung Street in Cholon'

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