Page 226 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 226

B.40s should be used as rnuch as possible.
                       Z, Do not rnove alcng lanes to awoid getting lost'  Cling
                          to peoplers houses. Use force, as required, to secure
                          the secrecy of trooP rnovernents.

                       3 .  Apply the  rnotto : when wounded' prornPt evacuation'
                           i{ killed'  prompt inhurnation    '

                       On the afternoon  May 3Oth Major Bang, the 38th Ranger
       battalion cornrnander, discovered that rnany enerny groups were infil-
       trating into the city frora the direction  of the Coconut  palrn garden in
       Phu Dinh. In spite o{ interdiction fires the  enerny kept on sneaking
       in.  The Rangers  c ounte r attacked.  At 4 orclock in the rnorning' the
       battalion cornrnander personnaly led 2 cornpanies creeping silently
       towards the enerny and ordered Captain Nghenh, the battalion  assist-
       ant  cornrnander to rnaneuver the  rernaining cornpanies into Phu Dinh
       Street to block the enerny route of withdrawal'  A11 at once the enerny
       appeared. A violent clash ensued. The Rangers totally won this battle
       causing the enerny about 100 dead' One SZrnrn mortar, four 60rnrn
       mortars,  three heavy rnachineguns,  trvo AKs, one B40, one B4l'and
       two M16s were captured.But the enelny succeeded in infiltrating  into
       the city though. A rather large nurnber of thern had sneaked into Cho-
       lon during the night. The quadrangle lirnited by Truong Tan Buu' Pharn
       Dinh Ho, Thap Muoi, Phu Dinh Streets in Binh Tay area was cornplete-
       ly in their hands' They had penetrated late at night' The policernen  on
       guard made no reaction  at all when the VC appeared  in the streets' oc-
       Iupied rnany dorninating  buildings  and isolated the Marines  positioned
       at Renault bridge. Scattered VC groups  also appeared  at the Post
       Office and Cholon railroad station on Tong Doc Phuong Street'
                        The 3Oth Ranger Battalion,one Marine cornpany, and two
       Police Field Force  c ornPanie s were sent to hold the advance of the
       enelny. Colonel Tran Van Hai, the Ranger cornrnander went right to
       the front to direct the operations.
                        Al1 traffic  to the Delta provinces was delayed'

                        One cornpany of the 38th Ranger Battalion adjacent to
        the unit rnoving  on an enveloprnent attack on the rear of VC elernents
        appeared in Truong Tan Buu Street (Cholon)  had irnrnediate  contact
        w1if. tfr. enerny as they crossed the line ofdeparture'  In Hau Giang
        Street,  enerny fire  were heard here and there'  The Znd Marine Bat-
        talion  positioned in this area was considered  isolated frorn the rear
       when Binh Tay fell into enerny hands'

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