Page 224 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 224

into srnall group6 setting up holding  positions in high building  and
        spreading  along a 3 krn long front.  A cornpany oI the 38th Ranger
       Battalion carne to reinforce at 5 orcLock in the rnorning.  The Rangers
       and the Marines then conducted  a cornbined  rnop-up  operation  but they
       were delayed in their advance by violent enerny fire  directed frorn
       built-up areas. In the afternoon' they reached the above Housing
       Quarter but pulled back once again at nightfall. So the battle front
       rernained unchanged. This was the third tirne that figh.ting had occurred
       in this srnall c orne r.

                        Cn the fourth day of the baitle i, e. on May 30th, the 38th
       Ranger Battalion launched a flank attack on the objective which was
        still  the Phu Larn A Housing Quarter, Their line of departure was frorn
       a creek at Phu Larn Bridge while the Znd Marine Battalion  now in fu1l
        strength led the frontal attack frorn the city.  The Marine C ornrnand
        Post was stationed in a rnultistoried  house 15Orn frorn Phu Dinh - Hau
       Giang Crossroads,

                        During  the night, the enerny not only rernained  in Phu
        Larn A but also occupied the Cong Thanh Garage at No 704, Hau Giang
        street. After a firefight for rnore than Z hours, this garage suJfered
        rather heavy darnages. Inside, large stains of blood were seen but
       the enerny had departed.

                        The Eagle Dry Battery Factory near the Cong Thanh
        Garage  was hit with all kinds of explosives and was heawily darnaged'
        The attack to seize this objective clairned 3 Marines  killed and one
        wounded by the first  enerny burst  of fire. Only in the aJternoon were
        tanks able to rnaneuver  and fire  on the factory. The enerny still
        resi.sted stubbornly so air  strikes were later directed to elirninate
        the defenders.  A big fire  was touched off.

                        Phu Larn A Housing Quarter  was also seized during the
        day by strenuous efforts  because the enerny had delayed  the advance
        of our troops by fighting frorn dorninating buildings  along Hau Giang
        street. 10 VC of the 6th Binh Tay Battalion and the 308th Battalion
        were captured. They disclosed that in execution of the plan of attack
        their units were dispersed in  tearns of four to inan          Positions   in dorni-
        nating buildings  and were ordered to fight to the last rnan-
                        On every killed VC body was {ound a 3 point ordelio

        irnplernent the plan of attack. These points were as follows :
                        1. Only I squad is to be used to attack a police station.

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