Page 219 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 219

At 0400 hours these units seized the entire
        and even reached Ngu Hanh Ternple and got close to the gate of Hien
        Vuong Housing Quarter I.  17 VC were killed during the attack, 3 8.40s
        5 AKs and I pistol were captured. These weapons were either burned
        or bullet riddled-

                        On the rnorning of June 17th  a captain, the assistant-
       c ornrnander of the Quyet Thang  Regirnent,who  se name wa6 Phan Van
       Xung surrendered  and revealed  that the enerny had withdrawn to the
       Narn A textile plant Ieaving behind but one srnall unit to fight in a
       delaying and diversion action. This surrendered high ranking officer
       also disclosed that the enerny probably stil1 had an estirnated 230 rnen
       on hand but only 120 were fit for cornbat while the rernainder were all

                        So this rnauled unit about 200 strong had atternpted to
       escape through the encirclernent  under the cover of darkness. At
       about 0100 hours they rnoved to the steel raihvay bridge to wi.thdraw
       in the direction  of Hiep Binh Harnlet. One should rernernber  that on
       the day before an elernent of the Dong Nai  Regiment had intended  to
       reinforce  the encircled Quyet Thang Regirnent  but when it  reached
       An  Phu Dong it had been srnashed  by the 3rd Airborne  Battalion
       leaving behind 100 dead,

                       While the enerny unit got close to the steel bridge it was
       fired upon by the 6th Marine Battalion  positioned  there and was forced
       to pu1l back to Bang Ky Bridge where it lyas rnet by the let Marine
       Battalion   lvhich  pushed it back to the cernetery around Giac Quang
                       At 6 o'c1ock, Major Phan Van Thang, lst Marine Bat-
       talion cornrnander was personnally  in cornrnand of the Znd and the 4th
       Marine cornpanies to conduct a cordon  and search  operation in this
                       Many clashes \rere reported, The Marines  killed 5 VC,
       captured  2 and received one surrendered VC.

                       The surrendered  VC whose narne wa6 Ho Van E and who
       wa s a native of Binh Duong Province, rlisclosed that while withdrawing
       frorn  Cay Thi, the Quyet Thang lst and Znd Battalions  had joined
       together to rnove through the burned area behind Cay Thi Market.
       They had crossed the road junction, taken over in the surrounding
       houses where they awaited darkness. After which they were to atternpt
       to fo1low the previously atternpted route of withdrawal in the direction
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