Page 214 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 214

the quadrangle.  Only light scattered  fire fights  with isolated vc  cells
       took place. They fired  sorne rounds at the Rangers then fled away
       taking adwantage of the thick vegetation'
                        The enerny withdrew so hastily that they left open a
       battle area they had organized in  advance for further  actions' This
       area was approxirnately 10,000 square rneters covered with banana
       trees growing  as thick as a jungle along with high grass and barnboo'
       The enerny had built there 50 cornbat  dugouts. Each of these hadtwo
       entrance  hatches  opening into Z shelters : one inside and one outside
       in the sarne way as those found around Linh Son Pagoda  where a
       fighting between the enerny and the 94/5 Ai'tborne  cornPany  had occur-
       red on June ?th. With such vantage terrain features and such careful
       preparations, why had the enerny withdrawn  so hastily ? That could
       probably be attributed to their heavy losses or to their fear tofight
       liating defeats  on thern through forrnidable  night attack tactics'

                        On June loth the     glst  and the 92nd cornpanies of the 9th
       Airborne battaLion  had toreoccupy  the Bonze Rest  Center because
       when our troops had left for operations elsewhere,  the undefended
        center was open to enelT1y infiltration'  The paratroopers  had to fight
        in close quarters  and used M. ?Zrs to reduce the fortified positions'
        Only after hours of bloody  fighting did this center fall  into their
        hand  s .
                        The battle of Cay Queo in the quadrangle bounded by Le
        Quang Dinh, Tran Binh Trong, Ngo Tung Chau streets and Xorn Thorn
        was considered  closed since June llttr  following the seizure of the
        above re st center.
                        But on June IZth, at noon, the Marines had violent con-
        tact again with the enerny in Bac Ai Harnlet 10, Cay Thi area' The
        f ir st uni.t having contact was the lst Co, lst Marine battalion, corn-
        rnanded by Lieutenant Nguyen Van Dang.
                        On the sarne day, in the rnorning,  Lieutenant Dang while
        leading his unit frorn Hung Vuong Housing Quarter discoved the enerny
        advance position behind Le Van Duyet Football Field,  Ngo Tung Chau
        street, A wiolent firefight  began.3 Ma'rines rnoving forward  along the
        walls  were wounded  by bursts of AK fire'  The enerny strength in
        contact  was about one p).atoon  positioned on the outer perirneter'
                        Sorne {ires were touched  off at l0 orclock by crisscros-

        s ing bullets.
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