Page 216 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 216

The lst Marine C ornpany continued  their probing attack.
       The enerny  opened up with all kinds of weapons fire  such as heavy
       rnachine gun, B.40,57rnrn  recoilless ri{le etc...  The rnilitary  assurned
       that at least 200 troops rnust have held this area' This force was of
       the Quysl  Thang Regirnent.

                       During an operation conducted by the Znd Marine Batta-
       Iion. A group of VC of the Dong Nai Regirnent carne out to surrender
       at Hang Xanh, Cau Son. As a result, this battle area becarne calrn'

                       On June 13th the battle at Cay Thi was in full  swing.
       Enerny troops overran Phan Van Tri  street and the far end of Ngo-
       Tung Chau street. They rnassed the rnost troops in Hien Vuong Hou-
       sing Quarter,  Le Van Duyet Athletic Field and the area behind Lien
       Ung Pagoda,
                       Since the afternoon the Airborne force consisting of the
       5th and the 9th Battalions  had been taking up blocking positions while
       the Marine s launched a deep thrust i.nto the ob jective. The VC dugin
       behind Lien Ung Pagoda to prePare for a tenacious  defense.

                       On the rnotning of June 14th the Marine s pulled out f ar
       enough for the artillery  to bornbard the objective.  The shelling conti-
       nued for I0 hours. As the artillery  fire  lifted the Marines resumed
       the attack" The enerny in fortiJied  positions  set up in houses  and
       gardens returned fire  violently. By nightfall the battle rernained
       indecisive on a front extended frorn Xorn Ga Harnlet as far as Cay-
       Thi  Road Junction.

                       At night the Marine s withdrew  to hold blocking  Positions
       to the South and to the east of the battle area.
                       On the following rnorning of June l5th at 0630 hours 3
       Airborne Range r C ornpanie s rnoved  in frorn southwest of Ngo Tung
       Chau street to replace the Marines  who pulled out to take upblocking
       positions. The Airborne Rangers prepared to launch a thrust to the
       northeast  airning at destroying the enern| force positioned in the area.
                        The clashes were atrocious during the day. To avoid
       causing heavy casualties  and darnages to the people Prirne Minister
       Tran Van Huong had forbidden the use of air and artillery  in built up
       areas where refugees were hudl1ed. Therefore,  friendly troops foun'
       it  difficult to destroy the enerny forces, since they had positioned
        thernselves in these built up areas for 4 to 5 days and had taten advan-
        tage of this tirne to dig strong ernplacements and trench slits.

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