Page 213 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 213

atea a total  of Z5 dead'. Cne group of ri{lernen then rnoved  close to
        the above street. The enerny set up in haste one heavy rnachine gun
        on a 1og laden truck parked on the street and poured intense fire  on
        the advancing elernent who had to halt for cover. Lieutenant Binh
        carrying  an M.72 rnoved f orward and began to clirnb to a position  on
        a rnultistoried  house. He was sPotted while taking cover behind a
        wal1. The enerny {ired. a burst at the cracked wall braking of{ frag-
        rnents of concrete which flew all  over, but the of{icer was unhurt'
        A  short tirne later he succeeded in reaching the high part of the house
        and frorn there launched a rocket at the log truck.  The heavy rnachine
        gun was hit and thrown into the enerny position below. Its gunner and
        as sistant gunner were killed'

                        The riflernen  then rnoved forward throwing  grenades
        into the enerny positions close to the wall.  But they did not cross
        to the other side of the street because this was part of the Marinegl
        zone of action.
                        In the paratrooPersr battle area, the 5Znd cornpany  sup-
        ported byfour  M41 tanks kept blocking positions within the quadrangle
        Le Quang  Dinh, Tran Binh Trong, Ngo Tung Chau and the boundary of
        Xorn Thorn (Pineapple Harnlet)
                        Cn the afternoon  of June 9th,  pushed {rorn  southwest  by
        the units o{ the 9th Airborne Battalion into the  prongs o{ blocking
        forces, the enerny rnassed all fires  on the 5?/Z coropany in an atternPt
        to break th,rough ihe assailants for a bloody escape  route towards
        Bang Ky Bridge. The enerny fire  was rnost intense at 2020 hours'
        The point of the rnauled force was found attirnes  15rn or ZOrn frorn
        our advancing elernents i'n Tran Binh Trong street'

                        But when the enerny realized that they had {ailed to rnake
        the break through, they rnoved towards Xorn Thorn Harnlet'
                        As of 2000 hours, enerny firing  died away'

                         On the rnorning of June 10th rnore reinforcernents  carne
        into the quad.rangle  for a search. At noon the situation to the west
        and southwest  quieted but to the east the enerrry pressure v/as still
        high. The Marines had to attack frorn Bang Ky Bridge to push the
        errerty to the south' Also on this  rnorning the enerny  set fire  to a few
        houses  behind Duoc Su Pagoda probably to cover their escaPe'

                         Also on the rnorning of June 10th the 3rdAirborne  Rang-
         er     company  cornrnanded by Lieutenant  N3o Tuong Larn rnoved into

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