Page 208 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 208

troops, causing thern to break up and spread to both sides of the
       street, They returned fire  with AKs and B.40s then surrounded the
       building. The 86th RF battalion supported at rnaxirnurn range              -with
       rnortar fire.  At daylight friendly rein{orcernents  arrived rneeting no
        resiatance.  Thousands  of refugees huddled again into Ngo Tung Chau

                       On the rnorning of June 4th one enerny platoon was seen
       as they crossed Le Quang Dinh street to reach the area behind Dai
       Dong theater. While they were rushing out onto the street they were
       rnet by the policernen frorn Nguyen Van Gap Police Station. In this
       close fire  fight 3 VC were killed and they                fell with their 3 AKs
       by the roadside. The policernen *ere  not able to retrieve these
       weapons due to the intense  enerny fire.

                       The civilian population  once again left the area in haste
       rnoving in the direction  of Giac Hoa Pagoda.  Loudspeakers  announced
       that an around the clopk curfew was in effect in this area.

                       The Marines took part in the fighting to aid the rnission
       of the paratroopers in the Cay Queo battle area. This seerned to indi-
       cate that the battle was nearing a decisive stage,

                       Napalrn bornbs were used. The axis cf  advance was
       suddenly switched to an enveloprnent  to the flank by a cornbined  Marine
       paratrooper  force frorn west to east contrary to the axis frorn south
       to north usually followed  on the previous  days.

                       Mixed with explosions  of bornbs were scattered detona-
       tions of srnall arrns and grenadec, Captain Son of the 5th Airborne
       Battalion said that the enerny usually got as close to ortr frontline  as
       possible to escape frorn being hit by aif  strikes.
                         Friendly troops advanced  rpith extrerne  di{ficulty frorn
       rnorning until afternoon. The battle around Tap Thanh pagoda  came to an
       end as the Marines oeized the pagoda at1730 hours aJter 13 days of
       fighting, However,  the paratroopers  continued to conduct a search
       around Tap Thanh Pagoda within their zo[e of action.
                       In this operation  the paratrooper6            killed 8 VC,
       captured 5 and collected 10 weapons of all kinds. The Marines
       killed 24, captured  24 and collected a booty of 13 AKs, 3 8.40s and
                       On the following daye a combined  Airborne - Marine

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