Page 210 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 210

the battalion divided the zone of action into 4 areas A, B,  C and D.
       A and B areas were IZOrn frorn Ngo Tung Chau Street and were cleared.
                        On the rnorning of June 6th the paratrooPers  continued  to
        sweep objective C where Truc Larn Pagoda  was situated. At 3 orcl<-'ck
        in the afternoon  the fighting in Cay Thi area suddenly increased in
        intensity.  The VC frorn their positions  around Linh Son and Truc Larn
       Pagodas  opened uP with 5?rnm recoilless rifle  and B.40 fire.  Also frorn
        behind thick barnboo hedges enemy autornatic weapons poured  out
        deadly bursts of fire.  Many paratroopers  fel1 dead and the objective
        stilL rernained untaken.
                        The 9th company  c ornrnanded  by Lieutenant Tan assault-
        ed the objective  3 tirnes but was driven back by heavy rnachine gun
       fire  each tirne. It was the first  tirne in this battle that      gOrnrn  guns
        and 8 lrnrn rnortars had been used. Artillery  and rnortar shells uncea-
        singly pounded the enerny positions,  digging up hedges of barnboo  by
        the roots which fell  onto the heads of the advancing  trooPs. Following
        the barrage of about 1000 artillery  and rnortar rounds, the paratroopers
        assaulted  and were able to seize the objective at 1ast.

                        On the rnorning of June 7th to reoccupy  Linh Son Pagoda
        the paratroopers crossed the prolonged portion of Hoang Hoa Tharn
        Street which had been closed by the enerny for 3 consecutive days. In
        thi6 area trees were scorched,  barnboo  hedges uprooted,  tornbs
        devastated  with large stains of blood everyvrhere  and stinky odors
        ernitting frorn debris, There were about 30 dugouts with well built
        entrance  hatches, thick tirnbers over the roofs rein{orced  with fur-
        niture and clothes and on top a layer of earth.  Many shel1s had hit
        these ernplacernents without causing significant destructi.on. Most of
        thern were built in a U-shape with 2 parallel vertical hatches through
        which the defenders  could fire  at the attackers. Our troops also
        discovered 5 AKs and a rnass in which corPses were decornposing.

                        The battle at Cay Queo was really fantastic.  The enerny
        when destroyed  in one position would appear in another.
                        On June ?th the presence  of the enerny was reported
        again in rnany places in Gia Dinh such as in Giac Hoa Pagoda area,
        Cay Thi Road Junction  and behind the Lido swirnrning pool. This
        appearance  was an indication  of another battle to take place soon.

                        A{ter 4 cgnsecutive  days of hard fighting in the quadran-
        gle Ngo Tung Chau, Hoang Hoa Tharn, Le Quang Dinh streets and in

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