Page 206 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 206

troopers renewed  their assault  but were still  pinned  down due to the
        enerny intense fire.  The 51st Airborne  Cornpany cornrnanded by
        Captain  Quan assaulted 3 ti.rnes but was turned back each tirne by
        intense enerny  f irepower.

                        Throughout  the past 8 days the enerny had stubbornlv
        resisted in this area, taking advantage of the abundant obstacles such
        as thick barnboo hedges, dense foliage and closely built houses. More-
        over, they had built fortiJied dugouts. Therefore, defenders  as well
        as attackers  had to be on the lookout because if they exposed them-
        selves they could be shot at instantly. As our troops were not able to
        advance artillery  and air  support were again requested. Artillefy
        shells exploded  only 50rn in front of the friendly line, During the past
        I8 hours I5 flights of air  support over the objective had been recorded,

                        After 10 days the fighting was stlll  raging in this area.
       Our troops were only able to inch a few hundred  rneters forward each
       day, As they advanced  they continued to rneet with rnore heavily
       defended dugin positions. Moreover,  this area had once been a
        cernetery,  and 50 tornbs and graves were found even in front of houses.
       Our troops continued to trade fire  with the enerny while artillery  and
       aircraft  continued to support the battle. Their going was very slow
       rnostly frorn house to house,

                        On the rnorning of June 4ttl at 0ZI O hours a unit of the
       Tran Hung Dao group had contact with the enerny at Xorn Thorn in the
       vicinity of the Joint General Staff cornpound. This seerned to indicate
       that the enerny was still  trying to penetrate  deep into the city.  They
       intended to take advantage by sneaking through some gaps in the
       defensive  lines, but they were unexpectedly intercepted at Xorn Thorn.
       About daybreak  one Regional Force squad had a violent clash with an
       estirnated  VC cornpany at lane 209, Ngo Tung Chau Street about 30rn
       frorn Cay Queo Market. The RF squad pulled back into a high building
       and fought frorn there until bright daylight when reinJorcerrlents  came
       to relieve thern.

                        The 86th Regional Force Battalion  had sent a few days
       before a squad to be positioned in a high building (No 54, Ngo Tung
       Chau street). The enerny troops were fresh reinforcernents and
       unaware of the current situation  so they had rnoved to the above lane
       with the intent of reaching Quan Tarn Pagoda  by crossing Ngo Tung
       Chau street. Their appearance was first  revealed  by Sergeant  Hai,
       the squad leader who fired I round of M. ?9 in the rniddle of the enerny

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