Page 211 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 211

the operations to expel the enerny frorn Truc Larn, Linh Son Pagodas
      and the Bonze Rest Center,  the 9th Airborne  Battalion  had to halt
      their advance and give way to the 8t st Airborne Ranger Battalion
      which had to sw.eep  the rernaining pof;tion  of the zone of action at Duc
      Tin school. This unit had just rnoved frorn Nhatrang  and was cornmand-
      ed by Major Que.  The aPpearance of the airborne rangers  rneant that
      there had been a change in street fighting tactics to avoid darnages
      caused to the people. Prior  to their attack, they used lirnited supPort
      of heavy weapons but crept and rolled into the battle area to search
      and destroy the enerny because they were expert in close cornbat'

                       Joining the battle  on the rnorning of June 8th, the 81st
      Airborne Ranger Battalion departing frorn the Bonze Rest Center
      rnounted  a probing attack on eneiny positions in the vicinity of Duc

       Tin sc hool.
                       The lst comPany  was the advance guard. Two pointmen
      Nguyen  Linh Kiet and Ngo Van Hoa were killed by bursts of AR {ire
      *hil.  th"y were rnoving forward on a reconnaissance. 106rnrn recoil-
       Iess rifles were also used to supPort the advancing  elernents.  By i400
       hours a{ter finding the exact enerny positions the airborne rangers
       suspended all reconnaissance  rnissions  and surrounded the objective
       blocking aII avenues of aPProach.
                       At 1900 hours the airborne rangers started the attack
       by opening up with a1l kinds of weapons fire  on.the objective.  60mrn
       rnortars pounded regularly every 5 seconds.  M' ?9 fired in salvos  of
       8 rounds at a tirne.
                       The firing  continued  for  2 consecutive  hours'
                       A11 at once, all fires were li{ted. So were enerny fires'

       In the dirn light of a nearly full  rnoon overcast by the clouds, the
       battlefield  was shrouded in gunsrnoke.

                       During this 1u11, I5 Airborne Ranger and Delta tearns
       quietly rnoved on the attack, without field packs, encurnbrant equip-
       rnent, but carrying their individual weapons and l0 grenades' They
       crept silently into the objective in cells of three crawling like lizards
       frorn every dir e c tion.
                       About lOrn frorn the enerny defens''ve  positions  they all
       jurlped up together  and attacked with grenades.  The enerny in confusion
       reacted with B,40 fire  but these anti tank grenades used against  Person
       nel were not as effective as hand grenades.  The enemy front line was

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