Page 209 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 209

force conducted  a search in this area which was considered  as secured.
       The paratroopers discovered a rnass grave containing  56 VC corpses
       and had to clean uP the area by rernoving a1I corpses for fear that the
       odor  and conditions rnight scare away the refugees.

                       The total results after the battle showed approxi.rnately
       100 VC killed and 8 captured with 5 AKs, 1 B.40, I 8.41, I M' 79 and
       l Chicorn pistol con-fiscated. Cn our side, only I NCO was killed.

                       We had won this battle thanks to our disposition  of troops
       which had blocked all enerny avenues of approach into the de{ensive
       area of the Joint General staff Headquarters  uni.ts. while enerny troope
       were on their way to infiltrate into the area they were challenged by
       an NCO on guard. They opened fire  and killed the sentry. They in{end-
       ed to storrn i.nto the cornrnand post of a colnpany positioned on the
       defensive lirre. Our troops then reacted in tirne and instantly destroyed
       the enerny point consisting of 5 VC. In the rnorning the 9th Airborne
       Battalion  carne to reinforce and conduct a search and destroy operation.
                       C ornrnanded  by Major Nha, the battalion was divided into
       di{ferenf colurnns advancing as far  as the railroad.  While crossing the
       cernetery rnany bursts of AK were shot therefrorn and lightly wounded
       3 paratroopers, The enerny used the tornbs as vantage  points. There-
       fore,  the fighting could not be ended prornptly'

                       The 9th Airborne  Battalion was assigned  to 6earch the
       quadrangle lirnited by Ngo Tung Chau, Hoang Hoa Tharn and Le Quang
       Dinh streets. Other forces frorn the Joint General  Staff conrpound
       held blocking positions all around.
                       The battalion found it difficult and tirne consurning  but
       necessary to search and destroy  one nest of resistance  after another.
       3 VC   ..noutd  rnan a position set up    j.n  a house or in a paqoda which
       they could fire frorn as snipers'  Houses i'n this area were disposed
       without  any plan and stood close together  with dorninating building  s
       here and there which offered vantage  positions to the snipers. The
       capabllities of the airborne unit were not used to the rnaxirnum for
       fear of causing great darnage to the people.

                       Throughout the rnorning of June 5th the paratroopers
       in constant search for the enemy were only able to kill  2 VC, capture
       1 and collect 2 AKs ar,d I 8.40.  The battalion s\r'ept up frorn south -
       north driving the enerny out of high buildings. The repelled VC then
       joined those positioned  in Truc Larn Pagoda. Also in this morning,

       - zlz -
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