Page 204 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 204

The Marines conducted  an operation into the Garbage
        Service  area on the following day. The enerny firepower  rvas so intenge
        that our tanks were only able to penetrate into the objective after 3
        consecutive  assaults. At 10 otclock the situation was under control,
        We captured 3 VC, killed 45 and took possession  of 9 AK.  6 B.40,  and
        I B, 41.

                         A{ter a successful fire  fight at Dong Nhi Harnlet  rnany
        weapons were captured. The encircled enerny pretended to surrender.
        We called for thern to corne out with loudspeakers  but they held the
        positions.  After repeated calls without results, air  strikes against
        the objective  resurned at 1230 hours.

                        A unit of 6th Marine Battalion supported by tanks advan-
        ced into Trung Nhat Harnlet.

                        At I230hours Lieutenant Colonel  Hoang Thong  announced
        that the enerny force was considered destroyed. The rernaining task
        for the Marines  was to rnop up fleeing disbanded, disillusion and
        disorganized  enerny troops.

                        On the night of June lst and early on the rnorning of June
        znd the enerny force was unexpectedly.  found to have been reinforced
        and capable of launching  a thrust airned at the tactical cornrnand post
        o{ the Marine    rrGroup   Att .  The attack that catne wa6 turned back. On
        the rnorning of June Znd the Marine         rtGroup  Att conducted  a sweep in
        the area, rnaneuvering with the 6th Marine Battalion in two colurnns
        departing frorn Binh Loi Bridge. The second colurnn during their

        advance rnet violent resistance  l krn frorn Bang Ky Bridge and 900rn
        frorn the line of departure. The enerny withdrew  leaving behind 11
        dead, 2 AKs and i 8.4f .  In this engagernent 5 rowe of buildings o{ the
        fertilizer  plant were burned down.

                        The lst and the 6th Marine Battalions Ewept the area
        northeast  of Gia Dinh in two colurnns with the support of air  and
        artillery.  During the 3 consecutive  days of operations the Marines
        had killed a total of 53I        captured about 100  y/eapons      of all kinds
        rnostly AKs, 8.40s and B.4l s"
                        One June 3rd the battle to the northeast was ternporarily
        caLrn in the Marine zone of action where all rernaining enerny troops
        around Binh Loi Bridge and Bang Ky Bridge had been killed or captured
        In this area only a search  operation was 6ti11 in progress airned at
        capturing  hidden enerny elernents  and weapone.

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