Page 205 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 205

In the 5th Airborne  Battalion zone of action, at Tap
       Thanh Pagoda, big fires were still  seen with huge colurnns of srnoke
       and flarnes. The paratroopers  had to  revert to the tactic of rnoving
      to the objective by creeping,  jurnping and clirnbing ower lows of
      houses to avoid enerny fires  sweeping the open streets, Only after
      they reached the surrounding area of the pagoda did they rnake contact
      with the enemy.
                       This built-up  area thickly covered with trees offered
      vantage ground to the enerny. The paratroopers  did not request artil-
      lery or air  support because they were afraid of causing rnore casual-
      tie s arnong the people,
                       At night the enerny received rnore reinforcernents  and
       intended to take advantage of darkness to penetrate in srnall groups
       into Saigon through Cau Moi Bridge, Ten of the rnernbers  of these
       groups were killed during their infiltration atternpt.

                       To deal with such enerny reinforcernent  tactics and
       critical  terrain features  which favored the defenders the paratrooPers
       had to call for artillery  and air  support, At 1l  otcLock on 4 June the
       skyraiders truck the enerny violently, Following the air attack two
       Airborne  rnoved to  break through the enerny defensive
       line but were stopped about 50rn frorn the line of departure.

                       As in the previous night the enetny  atternpted to escaPe
       but their efforts were in vain  and they lost 3 rnen killed i.n their
                       According  to Captain Tran Van Son, a staff officer,  the
       rnain intention of the enerny was to rnake ewery effort to sneak to the
       south i. e. to push a deep thrust into Gia Dinh. A prisoner of war
       revealed that his cornrnanding  officer told hirr: Saigon had fallen into
       their hands, His unit was assigned the rnission to relieve their
       victorious cornrades  in the city.  To explain  why they had been barred
       by the paratroopers on their infiltration  route their cornrnander said
       that these \rere but srnall groups of opposition forces.           Jhe  sarne
       pri.soner also disclosed that the cornrnitted enerny unit was BattaLion
       K.3 of  the Dong Nai Regirnent and that 2 other battalions were stil1
       in this area.

                       On the rnorning of June Znd three flights  of fighters
       dropped ordnance on the area around Tap llhanh Pagoda. Large bornbs
       shook the earth. knrnediately  following the bornbing attack the             Para-

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