Page 201 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 201

6th Marine Battalion cornrnanded by Major Nguyen Xuan Phuc were

      assigned rnissions  as follows :
                       -  I C ornpany of lst Marine Battalion to search  Lo Voi
                         aT ea.
                       - l Cornpany of the Marine Battalion  positioned at Cay
                         Thi Road Junction  along Phan Van Tri  Street.
                       -  I C ornpany of the Marine Battalion  to block Bang Ky
                         Bridge thereby cutting off all contact between  two
                         enerny forces.
                       -  Another C ornpany of the Marine Battalion to search
                         the roadsides of Nguyen Van Hoc Street.
                       -  The 6th Marine Battalion  to block to the southeast  of
                         Binh Loi Bridge.
                       - Gia Dinh Police Field Force to block all avenues of
                         approach into the city Streets.
                       The population  in Gia Dinh had learned experiences frorn
      the previous  VC attacks so everybody got ready to evacuate  as soon
      as the presence  of the enerny was announced,
                       On May 29th isolated hidden enerny trooPs were still  in
      action. The situation that appeared to cakn down suddenly becarne
      critical  again.

                       On the night of May 30th and early on the rnorning of
      May 31st the enerny sent rnore troops frorn Rach Ong Nen area by
      crossing the railroad to get close to Bang Ky Bridge. It was estirnated
      that 2 enerny battalions  had succeeded in rnaking the          Penetration.
      Subsequently,  the tactical situation  on the following day deteriorated.

                       When the Marines rnoved back to the railroad for  an
      attack on the {lank of the enerny force cornrnunist sappers had des-
      troyed the fuel pipeline to the west of Go Vap. They then ignited the
      broken line in order to spread panic arnong the population  and to
      cower the rnovernent  of rnore troops into Bang Ky area.

                       Later during the night the Marines  repelled a heavy
      enerny attack against their defensive 1ine. The VC regirnental  com-
      rnander whose narne was Ba Vinh was killed in this action' On our
       side only one Marine outpost  was overrun but was quickly recaptured.
      The 6 defenders  of this outpost were wounded,

                       When our troops conducted  an operation  behind the Duc
       Larn sawrnill a violent clash broke out. The enerny fought frorn hastily

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