Page 197 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 197

infiltrated under the cover of darkness  through  thegap between two
       outposts  on the fri.nge of the Capital.

                        Prisoners of war interrogation  reports also con{irrned
       that the K.3 Phu Loi Battalion  was the first  inJiltrated unit. On May
       Z5th in the afternoon  Gia Dinh      police   Force had another clash with
       the enerny in the vicinity of euan Tarn        pagoda    near Cay eueo Harnlet,
       Hoang Hoa Tharn Street.

                       Then on Saturday  at rnidnight until Sunday early morning
       the enerny really rnade their appearance  in the battle area. ihey
       seized rnany places such as the quadrangle lirnited by Nguyen Van
       Hoc,  Le  Quang Dinh, Ngo Tung Chau, Chi Lang Streets and the Lido
       Swirrrrning  Pool area. They broke into houses,  shot at rnilitary  person_
       nel and civilians suspected  as civil  servants and everything  rnoving
       on the streets on early Sunday rnorning.
                       The Marine     ttGroup  Arr conducted  irnrnediate  reaction
       operations. A Marine force rnoved into the Mortuary  Lane behind
       f  S.1"tr   Van Hoc Hospital. Another colurnn departing  frorn Binh Hoa
       Road Junction               to seize the Lido Swirnrning pool        and the Trung
       Thanh Restaurant  where an estirnated  vC C ornpany  held scattered
       defensive  positions with antiaircraft  weapons  and rnortars.

                       Another  colurnn departing  frorn Le Ouang Dinh,  Ngo
       Tung Chau Streets rnoved to seize the crossroads  between Trari euv
      Cap, Phan Van Tri,  Le euang Dinh, Ngo Tung Chau Streets.  Enerny
      troops were dispersed into scattered cornbat cells positioned in high
      buildings  to contain  the adwance of our attacking  forces, As they
      reached the corner of Hoang Hoa Tharn and Ngo Tung Chau Street6,
      a c lash flared.

                       The friendly rear elernent blocking to the North on the
      Gia Dinh - Go Yap boundary also had scattered engagernents.

                      After an entire day of hard fighting the Marines  had
      killed 8 VC, captured I heavy rnachinegun  and Z AKrs  at Cay Thi
      Road Junction and the Lido Swirnrning pool.           The Marine s had f ailed

      to drive the enerny out of this area because  enerny troops had fought
      frorn forti-fied defensive positions  organized  in the peoplers house-s.
      In other areas as soon as we seized one quarter of the street  the VC
      would withdraw  to another one. At the Mortuary  Lane behind  Nguyen
      Van Hoc Hospital when we tightened the encircLernent the enerny
      rnoved  to hold positions  in Le euang Dinh Street i.n vicinity of Duoc Su

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