Page 193 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 193

dirt road leading to the srnall rnarket thereby pushing  the enerny towards
       Cau Mat Bridge. In the other direction a US force helilifted to the pad-
       dieseast of Y-Bridge  into an area where they could be easily destroyed
       by air attacks.  The following  was the picture recorded as US forces
       advanced into Pharn The Hien Street.

                       At I0 orclock US operational forces quietly rnoved along
      Pharn The Hien Street to reach the rnarket, They were supported by
      planes drrcpping napakn bornbs on the objective.

                       Three arrnored personnel carriers were ordered to
      assault.  One M. I l3 had just clirnbed over a high rnound firing  rnachine
      guns on the flank of the rnarket when a 8.40 antitank grenade launched
      frorn the left hit the APC setting it  on fire.  The two other APC s had to
      pull back to their assault positions,  The cornpany cornrnander  then
       called the artillery  for supporting fires.

                       At I030 hours a US reconnaissance  squad  1ed by a first
      lieutenant bending  low advanced towards the objective.  They were
       running and firing rn all directions. As they reached a brick house
       covered with iron sheets, the VC burst out through the doors, fired on
      the squad and then fled to another brick house. The doors of the Znd
      house opened to let thern in.  Then all the VC ran out Ior an assault,
      They killed the Arnerican first  lieutenant as he got close to thern, the
       o{ficer  had thrown Z grenades  wounding sorne of the VC before he was
                       At lt  orclock dark colurnns of srnoke rose frorn Pham
       The Hien, Au Duong Larn Streets and the bank of Rach Ong Creek.
       Thousands  of houses  on Pharn The Hien Street were burned down while
       rnany people were still  confined in the area.
                       At 1300 hours rnany helicopters {lew in to supply friendly
       troops with arnrnunition  and food. US forces continued  to channel  ene-
      rny trooPs into target areas vulnerable to air  strikes. The 3rd Brigade,
       9th US Infantry Division  cornrnanded by Colonel George Benson also
       took part in this battle. Moreover, in addition to the {orces fighting
       in the city,  I  US battalion supported by arrnor also condtrcted a search
       operation in the area southwest of Y-Bridge,  This unit had contact
       with an enerny force which was on the way to reinforce the VC opera-
       ting in the city.
                       The battle on May IIth  lasted for  10 hours frorn 1350
       hours to 2350 hours causing the enerny 85 kiltred. On the US side were
       4 killed and 24 wounded.

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