Page 190 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 190

These huts were hit with bornbs and set on fire.  The cornrnunists took
       cqver in foxholes  and ditches. To dig thern out Allied Forces had to
       launch rockets  and spray rnachine gun fire  on thern.

                       While the fighting was raging at this bridge  rnany refugees
       caught in panic tried to cross the bridge which was their onJ.y way to get
       out of the battle area, They jostled one another  and sorne were thrown
       into the barbed wire entanglernents across the road way and were
      trarnpled  by the fleeing crowd. It was estirnated that approxirnately
       100 refugees were either killed or injured while crossing the bridge.
       The dead were arnong those trarnpled  by the crowd or caught in cross
       fires.  The flocks of refugees  rnoving in the streets while gunships  were
       strafing low were also caught in the {ire and rnany were killed.  Many
       others running by mistake into VC firing positions were either hit by
       enerny fire  or killed by gunships striking VC occupied houses. The
      Vietnarnese troops then placed tirnber planks on the barbed wire {or
      the refugees to step over.

                       It was recorded that loudspeakers  frorn aircraft had war-
      ned the people to keep out of the strike zones but in this case of street
      fighting, they had to escape by crossing the bridge which was their only
      way to enter the city unless they were forced by the enerny to stay on
      the spot.

                       Before May 9th a cornbined  VN-US force consisting of
      the 3rd Cornpany of the 39th Battalion, 9th US Infantry Division with
       supporting  tanks and the Znd Company,  35th Ranger Battalion  had set
      up a strong defensive perirneter to; protect Y-Bridge against enerny
       sabotage, to prevent the enerny frorn establishing a bridgehead across
      the bridge and also to secure the protection of the Cho Quan power plant
      which had been previously bornbarded  but sustained no darnage.
                       The battle of Y-Bridge tapered off on May IOth, Clouds of
      grnoke   from fires kindled the day before still  rose high into the sky.
      During the night, the enerny intended  to seize the workhouse to release
      a nurnber of hooligans  detainedthere and to thern with weapons
      as a [reans to have rnore reinforcernents  but the enerny plan failed.

                       VN-US forces started to counterattack.  Frorn the direc-
      tion of Y-Bridge a friendly colurnn drove the enerny frorn Pharn The
      Fllen Street towards Cau Mat Bridge. The 3rd Cornpany, 39th US
      Battalion supp6rted by arrnored personnel carriers advanced deep into
      Pharn The Hien Street. The Znd Cornpany, 35th Ranger Battalion also
      with supporting US arrnored personnel carriers  advanced to seize the

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